Friday, January 13, 2017

Embracing Change




So, today let's discuss my move to Florida that I talked about here. It's starting to seem real now that the calendar has turned to 2017 and I'm starting to feel just a little bit overwhelmed. I'm still excited, still looking forward to living in Florida and moving into a new house and know that once I get there, I will be happy. But, there is just so much change to get through to get to that point. And, I don't really like change.

If I had to pick a theme for life in 2017 it would have to be "embrace change". I need to think about all the things I am looking forward to and take everything one day at a time. Because, the big picture - selling the house, packing and leaving Michigan, is a lot to wrap my mind around.

Our builders for our new house (sneak peek of model pictured) should be breaking ground this month and we have already picked out everything from doorknobs to appliances to paint color. We have been making decisions about what to take and the consensus seems to be that most of our furniture will not be making the move. We need to go lighter and brighter; more in keeping with a Florida house. So, furniture shopping when we get there will be something to look forward to. I'm especially excited about finding comfortable and fun furniture for the lanai, where I know we will be spending a lot of time.

Other things to look forward to: going to the beach whenever the mood strikes, dining outside year round, year round golf, yoga on the beach, walking the path along the intercostal, visits from my daughters and of course the abundant sunny days with no winter weather. Especially, no winter weather!

I keep telling my daughters change doesn't have to be bad and that it just means that things will be different. It's going to be a whole new life with new experiences, new people and it really will be an adventure.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. That is a great way to look at it Vicki.Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Change is always stressful, no matter how wonderful it is. I am also a Michigan dweller and for a few years I thought I would be moving the Florida and spent many weeks at a time there. My life and relationships changed and I am no longer on the Leave List, but I still miss the sunrise and sunset walks on the beach, and the sunshine. There are joys wherever we go, and it will be fun to read about the ones you find along the way. :)

  3. Vicki, Your home is lovely! I am happy for you. Take it all one day at a time, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and it will all get done. :)

  4. Your new home will be beautiful, Vicki! After a year (or less) you will not be dining outside May-September. It is much too hot and humid!! The other seven months...awesome! We are downsizing and are sorting and packing and trying to decide what furniture to keep and what to sell.

  5. Exciting changes ahead for you:) I know that you will be extremely happy in your new home CLOSE to the ocean, sounds perfect to me! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. I am very excited for you! Just the thought of picking out new furniture is exciting, let alone picking it out for a brand new house! I like the design of the model you showed. Is yours the same? -Jenn

  7. Really excited for you . . .
    It will be perfect for you, especially the year around golf,
    inter coastal walking, beach weather . . . so much more.
    Anticipating with "one day at a time" will be the best . . .

  8. To be moving to Florida would be a huge dream for me. I look forward to hearing more as you go through this process! I appreciate your commenting on my blog the other day. I have finally started the new blog. Worked all day on it today and trying to get back to everyone to let them know. The new link is: I hope you will come visit sometime!

  9. Great positive attitude! Your new home looks beautiful and "beachy."

  10. New furniture plus warm weather sounds like my kind of change. I don't know where in FL you are moving, but lived in Boca for 3 years and loved it. What an exciting chapter you are about to begin! In the meantime, have a great week, Vicki.

  11. It's all about attitude! The midwest will miss you but it's time to go forth into your new adventure!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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