Friday, December 30, 2016

Top 3 Recipe Posts in 2016



Recipe posts are definately some of my favorite posts to write. Every recipe that I post has a story that goes along with it and I try to evoke the feeling of you cooking right along with me, in my kitchen. It's fun for me to try new recipes and share them with all of you.

I wasn't really surprised to see that the top three recipes are sweet treats, because that is my favorite kind of new recipe to try and usually turn into a lower sugar version, if possible. Sometimes I change the recipe by leaving out excess sugar, but usually I substitute Truvia as a sugar equivilent. As a diabetic, it's all things in moderation and by baking at home, I can indulge a little.

These three recipes are simple, sweet, seasonal and delicious. Any kind of fruit can be substituted for each recipe; even frozen if you can't find fresh fruit to your liking right now. Enjoy and Happy New Year!


Strawberry Shortcake Coffee Cake


2 Ingredient Fluff Cake


One Bowl Apple Plum Cake


See you in 2017!



  1. Yum, yum, and YUM! Happy New Year, Vicki!

  2. New recipes are always fun! One of these days (when I retire) I will have more time to cook!! :)

  3. Oh that coffee cake. I want some now!! Happy New Year!

  4. YUM, I am going to read about these beautiful treats:) Have a blessed last day of 2016, HUGS!

  5. Ah favorite food group!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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