Thursday, December 22, 2016

Baking Day




My daughter had the day off work yesterday and she chose to spend it with me - baking cookies. How great is that!? We had a lot of fun mixing, baking, decorating and talking, all the while listening to Christmas music. I also took her to a nice lunch, where we had delicious food with a glass of prosecco and toasted our day together.

But, back to the baking. My Christmas baking is usually pretty traditional, but I decided to try some new recipes this year and Melissa found a recipe for cake balls that she wanted to attempt. We also made home made dog treats for all the dogs in our family. My puppy was the official taste tester and she definately approved of both the taste and the texture.

I really missed having Megan there too, and she will be here in two days, but we called her to let her know how much we wished she was with us. Christmas baking with my daughters was always an intregal part of our holiday traditions and when they no longer live at home and are busy working, it's hard to find the time. I will definitely keep this day as a special memory to add to all the others we've spent together in my kitchen.


Vanilla Cake Balls


Italian Ricotta Cookies


Peanut Blossoms - everyone has their own recipe and mine is from the cookbook my daughter's preschool put together while they attended.


Peanut Butter Cheerio Dog Treats


Have a wonderful Christmas. I will be spending lots of time over the next few days with family and I hope you all will be doing the same. I wish you much joy and happiness and appreciate your readership and kind words more than you know.



  1. Sounds like the perfect day to me:) Enjoy your Christmas dear friend, I'll be doing the same! HUGS!

  2. Always fun getting the girls in the kitchen!

  3. How absolutely wonderful!! A great memory indeed! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  4. This so just so nice, baking with the girls. My daughter doesn't really spend much time with me, she is going through a difficult teenage phase. Have a wonderful Christmas. xx

  5. This is like the perfect day to me!!! I love baking with my girls. My little one loves the kitchen and the older one just likes to watch..ha..but regardless I love them being in the kitchen with me. Merry Christmas!

  6. Looks like a spectacularly delicious day with your pretty girl. Have a very Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year, dear Vicki!

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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