Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving Reflections




It was a lovely Thanksgiving at our house with good food and more importantly family all around. I can't count how many times it was mentioned that this would be the last Thanksgiving celebration in our house (we toasted to our 20th year around this table ) and that next year we would be in sunny Florida. To be honest, I was feeling more excited for what the future will bring, rather than nostalgic, but I think that those feelings will hit me at some point. I'm sad it will be hard on my daughters, but I keep saying it will be different, but different is not bad.

Having my daughters here is everything to me and they are so much fun and such good helpers in the midst of getting dinner on the table. As anyone who cooks a Thanksgiving dinner knows, it becomes a fast and furious process at the last minute, no matter how organized you are. You are juggling things in and out of the oven, making gravy and helping with the turkey carving. Having smiling and willing helpers, who make sure your wine glass is full, can make all the difference.

As I write this morning, most of the cleanup is done although I'll be emptying a full dishwasher soon and taking care of all the china, glasses and serving platters piled on my dining room table as soon as my house wakes up. Then it's leftovers and off to one store (Old Navy) with my daughters for a little fun Black Friday shopping.

It was a good day for us and I hope you all had a wonderful family day as well.



  1. Beautiful daughters! You're right about the last minute happenings when a big meal is involved. A glass of wine can be very helpful! -Jenn

  2. Yes, next year will be different and new:) Memories to cherish! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  3. The holidays are different in Florida if you are used to the weather changes that mark Fall and Winter. The first time we saw little kids sitting on Santa's lap at the mall in shorts and tank tops we did a double take and had to laugh. We have one son moved down now, and only five hours away (instead of 16). We're working on the other one. The memories are what count and you will be making lots of new ones in sunny Florida!

  4. I wish I had a helper to keep my wine glass full! Ha! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Perfect beautiful helpers . . .
    Happy you enjoyed a "special 20th" . . .
    I am already looking forward to the 2017 Florida photos!

  6. It's wonderful to have the family all together - I'm glad you had a happy thanksgiving!

  7. I always do the Southern Living Make Ahead Gravy and it's wonderful. Takes a lot of the last minute pressure off (I make it one or two days ahead-you buy a package of turkey legs). We love it! Cheers to new beginnings! Your girls will love Fla too I'm sure and they'll have lots of years of memory making there.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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