Monday, October 17, 2016

Weekend in Photos










We won't talk about the football game, because it was another loss and we are not happy fans. But, the gameday experience is not just about the football game. It's why we were there, but there are so many other reasons too. As I was walking around campus on a beautiful and balmy fall day, I couldn't help but be in the moment and think how happy I was to be there. Michigan State's campus is at its prettiest in the fall and we didn't stay put at our tailgate spot on Saturday, but went out and experienced the best of campus traditions on Homecoming weekend.

We went to our regular tailgate first thing and since the early morning was still a little chilly, the firepit was most welcome. For the past few years, we have attended the Alumni Homecoming Brunch, so again this year we headed over the The Kellogg Center for some delicious food, a speech from Coach Dantonio and appearances by the band and cheerleaders. We were able to watch the team walk to the stadium and also watch the band march from their practice field, through the heart of campus. The highlight was a visit to the student union to see the new bronze Sparty statue.

At this point, because we will be in Florida by next fall, I am just soaking in the experience. Of course we will be back for at least one football game each year, but it won't be the same as being season ticket holders. Florida may be our future home, but MSU will always have a part of my heart.

Happy Monday!



  1. Looks like a delightful weekend despite the you know what. I have heard it is a beautiful campus. Have a great week.

  2. Loved seeing your pictures! And I'm so jealous of all your layers! It is still so dang hot here!

  3. Despite the loss, I am sure you had a wonderful time taking in all the fond memories you have there.

  4. I've been in Florida for 27+ years and I am still a Buckeye fan (though not as avid a fan as y'all are up there!). The pictures stand alone in telling us about your weekend!

  5. Looks like football season! It's not about the loss - every game 1 team wins and another loses, but the game day experience keeps everyone coming back! Looks like you had a great time!

  6. Sounds like a super-fun weekend, despite the game loss. Enjoy the rest of the season!

  7. Loyal Spartans you'll always be . . .
    Wonderful to be on any college campus in fall . .
    They just go together, don't they!

  8. I can feel the excitement of the day through your photos! -Jenn

  9. Lovely pictures! We won't talk about our game either (TN-BAMA).

  10. We can surely commiserate over our disappointing football seasons. Thank goodness for tailgate parties and other game day traditions!!


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