Thursday, October 27, 2016

3 Fall Things





Walking right now on the trails in my neighborhood is a favorite fall thing. We are almost to peak color, the air is crisp and cool, requiring a light jacket and the swirling leaves both in the air and underfoot have that delightful crunch under my shoes. I am really trying to be in the moment, since this will be my last fall in this neighborhood and I will miss my walking trails through the woods in all their seasonal glory, probably more than anything.



Cozy is the operative word lately. Turning on soft and seasonal lights, a warm sweater and a hot mug of tea or coffee is another favorite fall thing right now. Yesterday I baked some pumpkin bread and a slice was a perfect treat on a rainy, cold afternoon.



I finally went through and brought out some fall decor. I was quite ruthless in getting rid of much of my decor that I didn't have any attachment to. All my Halloween decor went, since I prefer autumn themed decor now, rather than spooky. Since I am hosting Thanksgiving I used quite a bit throughout my house, but once Thanksgiving is over, another trip to Goodwill will happen as my goal is to go from four bins to one.

One of my decor favorites is this glass block light I made a few years ago. It's really easy to make and I love the soft orange glow it gives my kitchen on gloomy fall mornings. If you would like to try making one, the simple directions can be found here.

Happy Thursday!



  1. I'm so jealous! And please don't send the light up pumpkin on your mantle to Goodwill.

  2. Love the light up pumpkin! And the photos Vicki! another laura

  3. Fall is beautiful here too:). Love the changing colors of the leaves. Have a blessed day, hugs!

  4. The photos of the leaves are beautiful! I am so sad to see summer go but you made me realize that I do love the coziness of Fall! Have a great rest of your week!
    Annster's Domain

  5. I love the warm glow of Autumn you have going on. I have yet to decorate. Not sure if I will, or if Ill skip right over to Christmas.

  6. Beautiful photos! I need to bake some pumpkin bread to take with us to Ohio. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the changing colors as we travel!

  7. hate to be debbie downer here...but it was 87 degrees here in the south today. We have had no rain in a few months and only one brisk morning (70 degrees). and it's almost November 1. Don't get me wrong, I do love warm weather....but in November???? Plz...........SO. Do enjoy your cool walks with the sound of leaves underfoot...the change of seasons...and sweaters! You won't need those down here!!

  8. Fall days are my favorite. We are just coming into full fall colors now - still a surprising number of green leaves stubbornly hanging on.


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