Monday, September 26, 2016

Early Morning Tailgate




Mimosas to start the morning right.


Group Shot including my husband, my daughter, her boyfriend and my sister and brother in law.



Early morning on campus.


Big Ten Tailgate live broadcast.


For a noon football kickoff, we need to be waiting in line at the parking lot at 7:00 that morning. That means leaving my house well before the sun is up or any sane person is awake on a Saturday morning. But, it's worth it when we arrive on campus and see we are not the only ones excited for the day. We quickly set up our tents, food tables and chairs and got down to enjoying the morning and anticipating the big game against Wisconson.

We had a table set up for mimosas (real glasses of course) and three other tables full of breakfast food. We even had someone making (to order) Crossaint Sandwiches. It was a little chilly to start the morning, but after the sun started to warm things up, we were fine in our sweatshirts.

The Big Ten Network had their first ever live tailgate show right next to our tailgate spot, so we were able to walk over to that area a few times and see what was going on. It was interesting to see their live broadcast and we might have even been in a background shot on television. I won't say too much about the actual game, because it was a bad day for Spartan Nation, but win or lose, the tailgating is always fun.



My contribution to the breakfast menu was Baked French Toast with Struesel Topping. It is great for early mornings, because you prepare it the night before and bake it when you wake up. It's delicious too served with a little warm maple syrup.

Happy Monday!



  1. Now that is a real tailgate menu with tents, tables and mimosas.

  2. Yum to that baked French toast! Someone has to win and someone has to lose, but having fun before the game and coming together with family and friends is where the soul can be found.

  3. Looks like a great time had by all! Have a good week, Vicki!

  4. YUM and what fun to tailgate with loved ones:) Have a great day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. This looks delicious! Use to go to a Big Ten University and tailgating was always a blast! Pinning this to my breakfast board

  6. That French toast looks fabulous-- can't wait to try it out!

  7. First of all, thank you for saying that mimosas should be served in REAL glasses! LOL! That French toast looks so good. Pinned it to my Breads board. Looks like you had a fun time at the game! My husband went to hard feelings? Thanks for sharing with #Overthemoon!

  8. Wow that french toast looks like quite a treat! I'll have to try it out! You guys are hardcore with your dedication to the games! Looks like you have a lot of good times!

  9. That's SERIOUS tailgating fun! Sorry you had to get the loss, but you sure had a gorgeous day and it sounds like fun anyway.

  10. That sounds like such a fun day out. French toast with streusel topping - yum! Your book club sounds much more fun than mine held at the local library! Enjoy the rest of the week. xx

  11. How fun to be right next to the Big Ten Network tailgate! But how not fun to lose the game. Sadly we know a lot about that this year. For only the second time in the 41 years I've been attending ND football games I left early.

  12. Tailgating sounds fun and the French toast looks delicious! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. Your french toast looks awesome! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

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