Friday, September 23, 2016

Book Club - Last Day of Summer







In order to accommodate schedules, we decided to change our Book Club night to Wednesdays this year and this first meeting in September just happened to coincide with the last day of summer. To mark that occasion, we toasted and looked back on a good summer with delicious peach bellinis (pre made from Trader Joe's - who knew?) on our hostesses backyard deck. As is always the case, we were so happy to be back into the routine of getting together every month.

Our dinner was beautifully presented and scrumptious as usual. The grilled pork tenderloin medallions had a slightly spicy rub that I loved and the cold pasta salad, as well as the fennel and strawberry green salad were the perfect side dishes for an end of summer feast. Dessert was a neopolitian cake, as delicious as it was pretty.



As for the book we read and discussed, this was another case of how being in a book club gets me to read a book I would normally not pick up, but end up enjoying very much. This book is based on the true story of the first black women to graduate from Vasser in 1897. The twist and the conflict in the story is that Vasser was not aware until the end of her senior year that she was black and that she had been passing as white all four years. We had a very thoughtful discussion and it seemed especially timely in the racially charged environment we live in today. If you like historical fiction, this is very well written and has a lot of interesting detail about the Seven Sister schools and the origin of women's college education in the late 1800's.

Have a wonderful weekend - tailgating on Saturday for me so Go Green!



  1. Looks like a great time. Thanks for the book recommendation. Have a good Weekend.

  2. Your book club looks so fun! The dinner looks delicious. I had Gilded Years checked out from the library, but never got to it. I'lll have to give it another try. Have a great weekend!

  3. Now that's a book club I would love to belong to - if you eat that well each month!! Sure looks delicious! The book does sound interesting. Thanks for the review, and now I'm hungry!!

  4. I love hearing about your Book Club gatherings . . .
    Food and the book too . . .
    Go Green from me too . . .

  5. Those Olives!!!!!!! My neighborhood just started a book club which I really want to join.. but, I'm afraid that I will be required to read something intellectual rather then the junky romance novels that I love. : ) plus, they probably wont have food. hahaa Happy Fall Vicki

  6. The book looks very interesting. And pre-made peach bellinis?!?! I'm going to have to get some of that!

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