Wednesday, August 3, 2016

New Book, Favorite Author




I discovered Liane Moriarty's books several years ago and after reading one, immediately found all her others and read those too. She has a certain style of writing that I enjoy; mixing dark emotions and events with humor. It's a style and tone hard to write well, but she accomplishes it. Her new book, Truly Madly Guilty has been on my summer reading list and I eagerly awaited its publication date. When I went to download it, I was surprised to see that the Amazon reviews were not the best. Not bad, but most said this book was not one of her best.

After reading this book I have to say, I disagree with those reviews. I found myself caught up in the story and quickly turning the pages to find out what was happening. It's in a similar style to her other books with the premise that something (possibly bad) has happened, but the reader doesn't know what. The story jumps between different points of view, as well as before, during and after the event, creating tension and curiosity. There are clues throughout, but it's only at the end, that the true story of the event is revealed.

"This is a story that begins at a barbeque" - the first words of the first chapter and my attention was caught immediately and kept me reading until the end. For me, the sign of a good book.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Goody! I discovered her about 2 years ago and look forward to this one, too. She is funny and intelligent. On that note, have you read "The Vacationers" by Emma Straub? Very similar and just as pleasurable reading. I'm nearly finished with it.

  2. I haven't read her yet, so will put her down to look at. If the first chapter doesn't pull me in, I usually toss the book so one that captures you with the first sentence must be really good! Thanks for the review!

  3. Vicki... I always read the reviews but never listen to them. Thanks for the recommendation! Have a good weekend.

  4. Not all reviews are right:) Happy you found books you love! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. I like your review . . .
    I am going for "this read!"


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