Monday, August 8, 2016

Birthday Dinner Preparation




Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter Melissa! She turns 23 today and I am thrilled that we will be able to celebrate with her tonight. It is not often that you are able to celebrate with older children on their actual birthday and it is wonderful that it worked out this year. The plans were hers to choose and she chose to come to our house, with her boyfriend, for a casual backyard barbeque.

She chose the menu too; barbeque chicken, lots of grilled veggies and caprese salad. She didn't want a cake, but asked for brownie sundaes that I will make a little more special by the addition of fresh raspberries. There are candles ready to blow out, presents and a bottle of champagne chilling.

I look forward to celebrating her and wishing her a beautiful year to come.

Happy Monday!



  1. Happy Birthday to Melissa! Yes, it is always a blessing when you can spend their actual birthday celebrating them. Dessert sounds so yummy!!

  2. Happy birthday to your lovely daughter. You certainly don't look old enough to have a 23 year old child! -Jenn

  3. Happy birthday to her!

  4. Happy Birthday, Melissa! Hope your mom spoils you today!

  5. Happy birthday to your dear Melissa!! Enjoy the celebration tonight and please share some photos tomorrow! :)

  6. Happy Birthday to your Melissa . . .
    Wonderful that you can be together . . .

  7. Yay!!!!🎂🍧 happy happy birthday to your lil beauty!!
    Mmmmmm brownie sundaes!!! Mmmmmm champagne!!

  8. Oh what a special picture:) Happy Birthday to Melissa! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  9. Great pic of you two. Melissa and I have the same taste in food. Happy birthday to your pretty girl!

  10. Happy birthday to your daughter!

  11. Happy belated birthday, Melissa! What a treat to be able to celebrate together!


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