Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What Golf Means to Me




My husband and I played golf last week and that statement in itself does not seem that remarkable. However, it was a day that brought back memories and feelings that made me feel like myself again. For a variety of reasons, I have not played much golf in the past two years and what really kept me from playing was that all last summer I had a nagging hand injury that made gripping a club impossible. But, I still considered myself a golfer. It is something that is ingrained in me; something I have been doing since childhood and something I was proud of.

My husband and I love to golf together and have been on many golf trips over the years; from Hawaii to Arizona to Palm Springs. He will play anytime I ask, but because of the injury, we had gotten out of the habit of golfing together. With our move to Florida coming and lots of time to golf together on the horizon, I knew it was time.

I was a little anxious how I would play, but after the first few holes, my swing and feel for the shots began to return and I even had a chance for par on the last hole. It is important to find something you enjoy doing with your husband going into retirement. It will be a way for us to meet like minded people in Florida and leagues and tournaments will give structure to our days. It will keep me active in a different way than my regular walks or yoga. I consider golf a lifestyle and it's going to be part of the adventure ahead.

Happy Wednesday!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane


My Side of 50



  1. Vicki, Vicki . . .
    One of the best messages I have read in my five years since Irish Garden House.
    I felt very happy . . . for you, for resilience, for your love, companionship and future days.

  2. Glad you're feeling like your old self, Vicki. Enjoy your week.

  3. It's hard when something (an injury and such) stands in the way of something we truly love. I love that you have found something to enjoy together as I know it's key to a good relationship especially after retirement.

  4. How wonderful to play golf and do something that you and your husband enjoy doing together!! :)

  5. Your story is such a lovely one.
    Keep on keeping on, especially with your husband and doing the things you both love.

  6. Good for you, Vicki! Enjoy your sport!

  7. I so agree; you need enjoyable shared activities with your husband at every stage. Glad you don't need to find a new one! :)

  8. Good for you!! I'm really anxious to find out where you will be living in Florida with the hope that we will be able to meet some day! I played golf years and years ago. Not very well, but it was fun. Joe likes to golf, but hasn't been in a couple of years. I mention it to him now and then but he just doesn't seem interested anymore.

  9. Bravo! Golf is a great, relaxing thing to do with your husband. I wish I liked it the few times I did...maybe I'll give it another try!


  10. I'm a golfer too! But I've also been away from the game - first it was a marriage where golfing was not something we did and then with my forever husband, my back decided that I wasn't golfing. But after surgery last year, I'm back at it and enjoying it more than ever. Golfing in a ladies league with a couple of girlfriends and with hubby once a week or so. I love being outside, love walking the course (well maybe not so much in this heat) and the sense of accomplishment when I play a good round (like yesterday). And now, you'll be able to golf year round in Florida - congratulations. P.S. I must have missed that you were moving!!! I'll miss knowing you are just across the river (me in SW Ontario, you in Michigan).

  11. Good for you! I don't play but my grandchildren do:) I drive the cart and enjoy watching them and the beauty of the courses is awesome! I love the quiet:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  12. Golf will be a great way to meet people in your new Florida digs. And you certainly won't have to look very far to find many different places to play!

  13. Glad your hand is better. And you are blessed that you and your husband enjoy golfing together. Glad you are feeling like your old self. Thanks for linking with #overthemoon


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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