Monday, July 4, 2016

All American Town




Happy 4th of July! I think with all the turmoil in the world right now, it is a great time to reflect on the many blessings we have here in America. I grew up in a small town; really Americana at its finest and am always respectful of that way of life. The pace is much slower and patriotism is never out of style. I will be spending some time at my parent's house over the next few days , in that very same small town I grew up in. I hope to take a few walks in the park, visit the ice cream shop that becomes the center of town life in the summertime and live life for a few days at a gentler pace.

Have a wonderful holiday!



  1. The town looks similar to Vicksburg, MI where my parents moved in their later years. Happy 4th of July to you and your family.

  2. I grew up in a tiny town and Weldon's Ice Cream Factory was the place to gather. I worked there two summers during high school. My folks are gone...laying in the cemetery in that tiny town. Love every minute you have with your folks in that little town. I so agree with you! It was a great way to grow up.

  3. I can't think of better way to spend the holiday! My husband andI visit a lot of small towns, wandering in and out of coffee shops, small boutiques and diners. We are never bored.

    I wanted to mention that I bought the 2 books you recommended by Elizabeth Bard. I'm halfway through the first and I'll be blogging about it. Strange thing happened, I must have hit 2 copies for Picnic in Provence as I got two and one came from Germany. No instructions on how to return. I think I'm going to have a giveaway. Thank you so much for recommending the books!


  4. that sounds like the perfect place to spend the holiday!! Have fun!!!!

  5. Perfect Vicki . . .
    Happy Independence Eve!

  6. Perfect:) have a blessed day dear friend. Hugs

  7. What a lovely little town for a summer's day! Sounds peaceful and bliss at its best.

  8. Enjoying a gentler pace is always a good thing. :)

  9. Small town America...there is no place better on the 4th of July!


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