Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Healthy Decision




There is something that I have been pondering for a while. But in the Starbucks era, where coffee becomes a social activity rather than just something to drink, giving up caffeine is hard to contemplate. But, I have been noticing some unpleasant side effects from caffeine that are pushing me towards a decision. I don't drink a lot of caffeine; usually one or two cups in the morning and maybe a Diet Coke during the day. But, I have noticed that even a small amount of caffeine lately is causing some slight dizziness, as well as being a prime trigger for occasional migraines.

I think that these symptoms are telling me that it is time to finally give up on caffeine. There are plenty of alternatives from decaf coffee ( no - I'm not giving up coffee) to herbal tea to a wide variety of soft drinks without caffeine. I will keep a water bottle with me at all times and it will be beneficial to drink more water in the long run. I can also make flavored water with my infuser that is both healthy and delicious.

I may slip now and then, but it's really something I want to try, not just for a while, but for the long term. It's all part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a low carb diet, exercise and better sleep patterns. It really is the next piece of the puzzle for me.

Happy Wednesday!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane


My Side of 50


  1. I am finding I can't handle caffeine lately either. Just another delightful side effect to aging : ) Sometimes regular old coffee (even the decaf) doesn't agree with me. I'm not craving it like I used to, which I guess is a good thing. Good luck!

  2. Particularly in the summer months caffeine can have an even stronger effect due to dehydration. We need to remember to drink BEFORE we become thirsty. Dehydration is a cause of migraines. I love flavor infused water!

  3. Good luck!! There was a time when I was addicted to caffeine and had to have it in the morning or I could count on a terrible headache by 10:00 a.m. I did give it up for awhile. I am back to 1-2 cups in the morning, but if I don't get it, it's okay. I can go without it now and don't get headaches. Keep us posted on your progress and it will be interesting to learn if your symptoms stop!

  4. I gave up drinking any kind of coffee sometime ago because I was adding too much sugar and cream. Plus, my A1C levels were creeping up. I also gave up all sodas, too. I now drink decaffeinated tea with lots of lemon in the morning and plain water throughout the day. I've always loved coffee - started drinking it as a child but don't miss it at all now. My numbers are so much better and I've lost a few pounds.

  5. I drink 2 cups of coffee in the mornings and that is it:). The rest of the day I drink water. Hope that your routine will be what helps you. Hugs.

  6. I used to be a Diet Coke addict. I gave it up after I realized it was causeing me to have adult acne. My skin is now clear and ive managed to stay away from it for a few years now. I do drink a large cup of coffee each morning. But I have added water as my only other drink during the day. Im not a fan of water but eventually you get used to it and actually start liking it once you see the health changes in your weight and mood.

  7. It was difficult for me to do . . . but I did it . . .
    I was a "had to have my coffee" gal . . . first thing in the morning.
    After I retired it became less and less of something I needed.
    Water took over . . . and truly is my " drink of the day" . . . several!
    Three years ago I "had an episode" with drinking coffee while I sat outdoors in the sun at a coffee house. Scary indeed . . . caffeine and sun played their number I guess. Emergency visit, blood pressure out of whack . . . Since then I seldom have coffee, and if I do, it is decaf. I read the other day that it a very healthy thing to do for our body to begin our day with 8 ounces of water . . . I prefer cold, but warm, hot works too . . . infused with lemons, berries, cukes . . . really very good!

  8. We know what we should do but actually doing it is the hard part. Good for you! Hopefully positive reenforcement comes in the form of feeling better every day!


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