Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Strawberry Shortcake Coffee Cake




It's a little gloomy and lightly raining this morning, so baking something sweet for breakfast, to enjoy with my coffee, seemed like a wonderful idea. It's not strawberry season yet, but the strawberries I have been finding in the grocery store have been looking and tasting a lot better lately. I even found some organic strawberries last week, that looked and tasted like they were freshly picked.

This recipe was very easy and used a generous amount of berries. As always, to keep things a little healthier, I used Truvia as a substitute for the sugar in the recipe. The flavors in this cake are bright and fresh and made an ordinary Wednesday morning a little more special. Strawberry Shortcake for breakfast - I say yes please :-)


Strawberry Shortcake Coffee Cake


1 cup flour

1/2 cup sugar (I used Truvia equivilent)

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1 egg

1/2 cup milk

1 tsp vanilla

2 T melted butter

2 cups sliced strawberries

For topping: 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup sugar (Truvia equivilent), 1/4 cup cold butter


Stir together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. In another medium mixing bowl add egg, milk and melted butter. Stir until well blended. Add dry ingredients to this mixture. Stir until moist. Pour into a 8 inch baking pan, sprayed with cooking spray. Place sliced strawberries on top. Mix topping ingredients until crumbly, then sprinkle over the strawberries. Bake at 375 degrees for 30-35 minutes.


{Linking with these friends}

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A Stroll Thru Life

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The Charm of Home

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Between Naps on the Porch

Cozy Little House

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  1. Oh. My. Goodness! Pinning this sucker right now! And you're the second person that's mentioned Truvia in a week. I've never heard of it until last Friday night at a lingerie shower of all places! HA! Happy Wednesday, Vicki!

  2. Looks delicious! Perfect for this time of year.

  3. This looks and sounds delicious! What a wonderful idea to use Trivia instead of sugar. That makes it a not-so-guilty pleasure.;-)

  4. OMG YUM!!! I love strawberry shortcake and the idea of having it for breakfast makes me drool! Have a great week.

  5. Strawberry shortcake is one of my favorites! I pinned this one to make later. Yum!

  6. Our strawberry season was in March, but I can still find good ones in the store. This sounds delicious and I love using truvia!

  7. Oh, this is definitely one that I will try -thank you!

  8. Wonderful recipe for this time of year. And thanks for sharing on Dishing It & Digging It

  9. Sounds like another YUM enters the recipe file . . .
    Thank you . . .

  10. Oh my golly, just look at that mouth watering dessert! A perfect summer treat thanks for sharing!

  11. This is the period of strawberries and your shortcake looks perfect.
    Happy Friday

  12. Mmmm, I love coffee cake. With strawberry season upon us soon (we pick fresh), this would make a yummy, homemake dessert!! You should come link up at Welcome Home Wednesdays! Party opens 7a CST Wed.

  13. Strawberries are ripe now and this looks delicious. I will have to try it!

  14. I say yes please also, what a tasty beginning to any day!

  15. It's almost midnight and now I want to go make strawberry shortcake.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. Cake for breakfast is ALWAYS a good idea :) And I've been all about the strawberries while they're in season, so this sounds perfect!

  17. Yum! I will feature this today at Home Sweet Home! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Yum! I will feature this today at Home Sweet Home! Thanks for sharing!


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