Friday, May 13, 2016

My Reading List



Having a current reading list makes me happy. Knowing that after I finish a book, the next one awaits is one of life's little pleasures for me. In fact it has been one of my favorite things about using my iPad and the Kindle app for reading. I find new books in a lot of places; news articles, other blog recommendations, friend's recommendations and suggestions from Amazon. I read reviews and am usually a pretty good judge of what I like and very rarely download a book that I am unable to enjoy. Of course, some are better than others, but finding that hidden gem or a new series that draws me in to a new character is so satisfying to me.

There are a few books on my reading list right now that I an looking forward to digging into in the next few weeks. Some are by new authors to me and I look forward to discovering each one's writing style. So many books to enjoy and you will find me spending these rainy spring days happily reading my newest book.


Set in London, during WWII and written by the author of The Little Bee


Another Gone Girl successor, set in prohibition era New York City


A thriller with a shocking twist


The reviews say this is a novel that will cure your Downton Abbey withdrawal


Happy reading and happy weekend!



  1. This looks like a good list and I have two of them on mine! :)

  2. Do you read the blog, Modern Mrs. Darcy? She puts out a daily email with Kindle deals. Many are $1.99. I find it a good way to build my list and learn about books I may not have heard of otherwise.

  3. Thanks for the book tips, Vicki! I posted this week about what I've been reading, too. :) I love my Kindle and love when I find a new book, or even better, a new series to read. Something to look forward to.

    Have a great weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  4. I love to see what other people are reading! These sound great!

  5. Always love hearing about what you are reading!

  6. Keep us posted on how you like them please!

  7. Great books on your list:). Enjoy your weekend! Hugs

  8. Looks like a great list!
    I am happy I have you to "keep me in the know!"
    Thanks . . .

  9. There's a couple of titles there that intrigue me. And you know I always look to you for book recommendations!


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