Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Two Good Books



Some of my favorite posts to write are about books I want to read or books I have read. It makes the inner book nerd in me happy to discuss reading and I could do it all day every day, to be honest. When I find a good book, I want to let you know and recently, I read two really good ones.



The Widow, by Fiona Barton (from my Spring reading list) is reviewed as a psychological thriller, but it's so much more than that. It has elements of all my favorite books, with points of view devoted to a policeman, a journalist and the protagonist. A crime has been committed, but until the very end you don't know how it happened, or who actually did it. The widow's point of view is interesting and little is given away, until the very end, about her role. This is a book I did not want to put down until I finished; always the sign of a good book.



Circling The Sun, by Paula McLain is a story rich in detail of colonial Kenya and an English girl who makes her mark there. There are glittering parties, safaris and a look into the world of high stakes horse racing and the early days of aviation. It is the story of Beryl Markam and how she became successful in two fields dominated by men. This book is written in the style of a biography, but the details and conversations are fictionalization, just like the author's other book, The Paris Wife. I really enjoy this style of writing and there are quite a few in this genre that I have read in the past. Of course, it's the author's perspective, but the details of a real life story are fleshed out and that is what I enjoy.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. You seem to be my "go to gal" for some great reads . . .
    Thanks Vicki . . .

  2. Hmm...I may have to read The Widow.

  3. Thanks for the recommendations! I'm putting them on my ever-growing hold list at the library!

  4. I like the sound of The Widow. The author is familiar but I can't be sure. Thanks for the recommendations.

  5. Usually I do most of my reading in the summer but have no reason not to read anytime now that I'm not working. Started a book in November that I've yet to finish. I need to go find it. :/

  6. I'm reading The Widow now and loving it. Have a great Thursday, Vicki!

  7. Thanks!! I love hearing about good books!

  8. These sound like great books:) Thanks! Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

  9. I LOVED The Paris Wife...and did you know she was friends with the lady from Out of Africa? Crazy.


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