Monday, April 25, 2016

Green and White Game




It seems like football season just finished, but Saturday found us back on MSU's campus for the Green and White spring game. It was a beautiful day to sit in the warmth of the sun, and enjoy a preview of what to expect in the upcoming season. Our season ticket order goes in next week!





We had lunch with my sister and brother in law before the game and after the game took a stroll back to the car along one of the prettier paths on campus. Spring is just starting to happen here in Michigan and while the trees are not too green yet, you can spot a flowering tree here and there, looking oh so pretty against the blue sky. All paths on campus seem to intersect the Red Cedar River at some point and it was looking especially sun dappled on this gorgeous spring day. It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Happy Monday!



  1. I'm so glad you had great weather for the game. It's beautiful here in the Alleghenies too. Lovely spring photos. Isn't it nice to finally see some color? Have a wonderful week.

  2. Looks like it was a lovely day. And a pretty campus. My youngest graduates high school next month and we still don't know where he will be going for college. He dawdled and sent in all his applications too late. And the ones he got accepted to right away are the ones we can't afford. :/

  3. It looks like it was a perfect day for a "spring football" game.
    Saturday was a pretty day here in WM too . . .
    The stroll around campus and the river looks like the finishing touch to a perfect day!

  4. Vicki, the photos are wonderful! It was a beautiful day indeed!

  5. That magnolia is gorgeous! It's such a shame they are so fleeting. We have a huge one in our front yard - my husband calls it the 3 day tree. One strong wind or rain and the petals are gone.

  6. Perfect way to spend a Spring day:) Have a beautiful day my friend, HUGS!

  7. It WAS a beautiful Spring day, for sure . . . and now it's cold again! Michigan, gotta love it. :)


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