This week in flying by, because I know once May begins there will be a lot to do and I want to just enjoy some quiet early spring days until then. On my horizon is a garage sale that I have been preparing for as the final piece of my 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge. That challenge has stretched into going through every storage bin, closet, drawer and cupboard and I can safely say, we have cleared out the excess. I'm not looking forward to the actual sale day, but it really is the most efficient way to remove a large amount, including some furniture.

I read another good book last week by one of my favorite authors. At The Edge of the Orchard by Tracy Chevalier is reminiscent of many of her other novels (The Girl With A Pearl Earring, Virgin Blue) with interesting, though flawed characters. She portrays the hardships in life and how people choose to cope and survive. This book was especially interesting to me since in takes place in the 1800's, just across the border from Michigan, in northern Ohio and much of the landscape is very similar to what I see everyday. What I see now as beauty (trees and wetlands) made the early settlers lives a struggle when establishing farms.

My favorite television show at the moment is Call The Midwife and I always look forward to the next episode. The time period has moved into the 1960's and the ways society was changing at a rapid pace is at the forefront. There is a serious and heartbreaking story being told about the effect of Thalidomide and the poor, sweet babies born with deformities as a result of their mothers taking this medication. Women's healthcare is at the forefront and it's an important storyline to be explored.

And, if you have been reading here for long, you know my love of the Outlander series, so of course I have been watching. So far, I am happy with the adaptation of the second book (Dragonfly in Amber), especially how the new series started with a flashback. There has been some concernation from book readers about changes in the storyline, but I am able to separate the two and appreciate how the show is different, yet still faithful to the overall plot and characters. I find I am riveted to my television for that hour and appreciate how the details of my favorite books have come to life. The costumes alone would be enough for me to tune in.
Happy Wednesday!