Monday, March 28, 2016

Friends and Family





Our Easter weekend was filled with a lot of love and tradition. We started out the weekend with an old fashioned polish fish fry (perch) and pierogis at the quaint Polish Yacht Club right in the heart of Detroit. We then attended a Good Friday Vigil at a lovely downtown church, followed by a fun time at another local bar. Our friends are so much fun and we love this yearly tradition, chock full of faith and fellowship.






My daughters and their boyfriends spent the weekend at our house and it was full of noise and laughter just like I love. On Easter morning, after Mass, we headed to our club for a delicious brunch. We had mimosas, wonderful food and amazing desserts. But of course, being together was the highlight of the day.

Happy Monday!



  1. Of course, being together is the best part! Loved seeing you all having a wonderful weekend! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. So glad you had a wonderful weekend with you family and friends. Your daughters are beautiful!

  3. What a fun weekend!! Great pics of the girls and bfs. Have a good week.

  4. I sounds like a wonderful Easter weekend! Love seeing your photos!! Big, noisy holidays full of laughter and love are just the best!!

  5. A house full of family and laughter means all is right with the world!

  6. We have a fish tradition on Good Friday too despite the fact that we're not Catholic. Wasn't the weather gorgeous??? We walked to church Easter morning, then golfed in the afternoon with our BFFs. The kids stayed home with their families = catching up on chores and not driving 3 hours each way.

  7. Loved your pictures . . .
    Looks and sounds like a perfect
    Easter weekend . . .


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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