Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Early Spring






The skies were bright blue, the sun was bright and it was a beautiful early spring day; perfect for a late afternoon walk. Walking in the spring, when the grass suddenly turns green and the trees start to bud, is something I look forward to every year. With sunglasses on and only a light jacket, there is a lightness in my step and hope and change all around.

The wild daffodils I planted are also up and a bright splash of color against the edge of the woods. I can see them from my bedroom window and especially on a sunny day, they symbolize the new season and the beautiful weather to come. It's the season of sunshine and flowers. Of open windows and putting your face to the sun. Of finally planting something, getting my gardener's hands in the dirt and the miracle of watching things grow.

Happy spring!



  1. It doesn't feel like Spring around here. About 30 degrees but going to warm up a whole 10 degrees by noon. Have a great week.

  2. It's Happy Spring here too:) Love it when the blooms start calling me to take their picture! Have a beautiful day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. Everything is beginning to turn green here in Louisiana! I love it!

  4. Spring is trying to arrive here in NW Wisconsin. I know the red wing blackbirds and robins are back, but we're getting a mix of rain/snow on Sunday, along with a lot of wind. Love your photos, sweet little DOG!!!

  5. Had to come over and respond to your comment on Katie's blog about Christie Brinkley. We have the same birthday, Feb. 2nd, and I am several years younger. It's so annoying that every year on my birthday she is all over the internet and I have to look at her getting younger and me getting older (even though I'm younger!!!!!!) LOLOL!

  6. Beautiful photos and you sound absolutely ecstatic with the weather! Whoohoo!

  7. Its wonderful to see those first green shoots. No flowers yet for us yet. Your pup is so cute! Mine love getting out now to sniff the new green ground!!


  8. There's something magical about how the earth wakes up again after it's winter sleep. My garden is just jumping to life! Today is rainy, so that's good for them too. But I hear there's snow in the forecast for this side of the lake.

  9. I just heard that we might get some snow flurries tomorrow but I am not going to let that dampen my mood as I look out at a sea of beautiful blue crocuses. Have a great weekend!


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