Monday, February 22, 2016

Weekend Photos





We go a little crazy in Michigan when the temperatures are close to 60 degrees in mid February. Everyone's mood lightens, the sunglasses come out and the lines at the car wash extend around the block. Everyone wants to be outside and feel that sun on their face.

Friday night was my neighborhood Bunco, just down the street and though the wind had kicked up, it still felt amazing to walk there with only a sweater, instead of a heavy coat. It was wonderful to see my neighbors and hear and see pictures of the new granddaughter, recently born to the host's daughter and son in law. She had also just returned from a trip to New Zealand and was thoughtful enough to bring back dish towels to use for our Bunco prizes. I was lucky enough to to win one, plus some money for the most wins of the night.

Saturday we headed to dinner and a comedy club with a big group and had a fabulous time. I live in the suburbs, but this location has a busy downtown area with lots of restaurants, bars and nightlife and the weather made it a beautiful night to park down the street and walk to our destination. It is always fun to see our friends and the comedian made us all laugh out loud. It was a fun and different thing to do on a Saturday night. My husband and I left the group after the show and stopped for a late night coffee on our walk back to the parking garage. It was a lovely night all around.

Happy Monday!



  1. Sounds great . . .
    Isn't it wonderful to smile, laugh, have fun!

  2. How fun- sounds like a 5 star weekend! We hit 57 degrees up here and felt the same way. I opened the car window a bit and enjoyed the fresh air and I wore my spring coat! The snow was melting off the roof like crazy so we were very happy on many levels!

  3. What a perfect combination- fun, friends, and a change in weather!
    There just isn't anything better.
    Have a great week!

  4. What a fabulous weekend and added bonus having gorgeous weather. I miss my bunco group! Have a good week.

  5. Wow - what a fun weekend!! It's always fun to be a winner!

  6. Well you sure had a fun weekend:) I love that towel AND money too? Lucky you! Have a blessed week ahead dear friend, BIG HUGS!

  7. Sounds like you had a great weekend all the way around. Yes, it's amazing how invigorated we are with just a dose of warmer weather!

  8. It was the perfect weekend weatherwise!!! I spent Sunday outside clearing out some of the perennial beds of leaves and dead foliage. What a bonus!!!

  9. That sounds like a fabulous weekend. The only comedy club I've ever been to is Second City and that was years ago. I will have to put it on the "must do" list for this year!

  10. Sounds like a fun weekend! Glad you all had a weather reprieve to enjoy with friends.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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