Friday, February 5, 2016

Halfway To The End - Downton Abbey




Every episode I watch of this final season of Downton Abbey means that it is getting closer and closer to the finale. I anticipate that tissue will be required, but at the same time I am hopeful that there will be happy endings to celebrate. It seems that many storylines are heading in that direction, though you never know what the writers may throw at us, considering Matthew died in the Christmas special.



Every Sunday, I sit enthralled with both the story and the sights on my television. This season is especially fun to look at with the flapper fashions the ladies are wearing. The dresses, necklaces and especially the headbands that Edith and Mary have been wearing, are just so fabulous.



Without giving away any spoilers, I do want to comment on the last episode and what happened with Robert and the shocking dinner party scene. The foreshadowing of his health problems was keeping me on edge and I even asked my daughter who has watched the complete season to tell me if something bad was going to happen (she wouldn't). What did happen was so shocking and emotional, I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. But, hopefully all will be well now.



Sunday nights in January and February will not be the same without Downton Abbey to look forward to. The sight of that beautiful Abbey with its rolling green hills, long drive and stately entrance will be missed and I can't imagine any new series that could have such charm and opulence at the same time. The upstairs, downstairs dynamic is what makes this series so special and these actors have created characters that we will never forget. I plan to enjoy every episode we have left.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. All of us Downton fans are going to miss this series. It's been part of our lives for SIX winters! I think the characters have become a bit too real to us. Although I was shocked by the scene you mention, I thought it was played brilliantly - SO believable (and I'm so relieved at the outcome, not what I was afraid of). Eager to watch Sunday's episode.

  2. I totally agree with everything you said! Oh, how I am going to miss this show!

  3. As much as I adore Downton Abbey and all the beautiful things that go with it, I miss Mad Men more!

  4. Ay-Men! I don't know what I will blog about if I can't do my recaps!

  5. I am so sad that DA is almost over I may have to go on medication. Have a great weekend, Vicki.

  6. I'm sad, too. But enjoying the costuming all evening long!

  7. We have watched DA since the first episode and discussed it together as though the characters were real people. My husband and I will miss it. I do hope there are many happy endings, but I sure hate for it to be over. Sigh. I love the headbands, too.

  8. It really has been a bittersweet season - the fashions have been amazing, the girls seem to be moving towards something happy and even the staff are doing well with weddings and babies on the way. But alas, you're won't be the same without good old Downton!!! I wonder what the folks at PBS have up their sleeves for us? It's going to be hard to fill that gap.

  9. I, too, am hoping every storyline will be wrapped up with a happy ending but i'm prepared for some shockers. I love watching the fashion change from season to season. Amazing. I might just re-watch the whole thing from the beginning to help with the sadness of the series ending.

  10. Downton will be missed for sure . . .
    I will be enjoying it until it's end . . .
    Rewatching some of the episodes too!


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