Monday, January 11, 2016

Golden Globe Dresses I Liked




My daughter Megan and I watch the awards shows together, long distance, every year. She sends me a ballot to fill out and we tweet back and forth during the show. This year, there weren't a lot of tweets, beyond a few saying " this is terrible"! For me, the show was dissapointing and rather awkward. It seemed very disjointed and every speech was rushed and even defiant towards the time limit, which seemed childish to me.

The fashions are something I look forward to and there is usually a star who gets everything right, from dress, to hair to makeup. I can't say there was any look that I loved, but did find a few that I liked. There were many more that I thought were awful. If you have the pick of any dress in the world, I wonder about the choices that are made.


Helen Mirren at 70 was stunning.





The bold and jewel tone colors were striking on the red carpet and always better than washed out pastels or boring black.


I always think a little sparkle is appropriate for the occasion and these gold dresses were glamorous and fun.


I could have more easily done a list of those I didn't like, but that just seems mean, so I'm hoping the Oscars has more fashion wins than misses. And, my ballot - after a lot of guessing and picking from my heart (Outlander), I only got three picks right.

Happy Monday!



  1. It was definitely the year of the low neckline. I thought the show was awful and went to sleep early. Enjoy your week.

  2. I don't care for the format of this show, with people climbing around tables and chairs. And the crowd is noisy which feels rude. I didn't love the host either. My favorite dresses were Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence and Lily James. I've decided I'm not a big fan of the super plunging neckline, even if you have the body to pull it off.

  3. I don't watch the awards shows anymore. Many of them get too political for me and just make me angry. It IS fun to see the dresses and I'm happy to see your choices here! Thanks for sharing!

  4. ooooooooo I have a fave!! don't know her name and haven't seen the movie, The Danish Girl, but I thought she was just flawless!! The dress was perfect for her body and her skin was so perfect!!
    I like J'Law's dress too. Different. and yes, gervais should never be asked back!

  5. So many beautiful gowns:) I always look forward to seeing what they are wearing! HUGS!

  6. Helen Mirren for the win!!! I thought the show itself was blah. Way too much Ricky Gervais. I thought Denzel and his family were adorable.


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