Monday, January 18, 2016

A Winter Weekend




It was a very cold winter weekend here in Michigan, so we did all kinds of cozy winter things both indoors and even outside for a bit. There was no new snow to make things pretty, beyond a light dusting, but we did see the sunshine on Sunday, so that was a welcome change to our gloomy gray skies.

Saturday seemed a perfect day to see a movie in the afternoon and we went to see 13 Hours. We both liked it very much, but the political undertones were both disturbing and thought provoking. If you are aware of politics and what has happened with the Bengazi investigations so far, you will walk away somewhat infuriated, but with a better understanding of what occurred on that fateful night and of the heroes who defended their fellow Americans against terrible odds.



Sunday morning seemed a good morning for pancakes (isn't every morning?) and I tried a low carb recipe that I will share soon. These three pancakes only have three tablespoons of flour, but are still delicious.



I couldn't resist the sunshine in the afternoon and bundled up for a quick walk through the woods. As you can see, we still have a little snow, but the paths are all ice and quite treacherous when walking. I stuck to the sides and made it safely, but we could use some fresh snow to make things a little safer. My cheeks were definately rosy when I came inside, since in was only 8 degrees when I set out.



It felt cozy to turn on the fire and make some hot tea in anticipation of watching Downton Abbey. Last night's episode was a feel good episode all around and I had tears in my eyes by the end. And, don't you just love seeing a happy and strong Edith? Right now, I would rather have her life than Lady Mary's.

Happy Monday!



  1. Oh yes, snow on the ground, fire in the fireplace and pancakes! I'll be right over:) Have a wonderful day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. I was thinking the same thing about Downton Abbey. I'm so happy that Lady Edith seems to have found her groove and perhaps will be able to be happy. I wish the best for Lady Mary and did appreciate how she stepped up to help both Mrs. Hughes and Anna. And that final scene? Loved it! A sight for sore eyes! (Trying very hard to not spoil things for those who haven't yet seen the episode!)

  3. I am so happy they are giving Edith such a good role for us, and I hope Mary finally discovers Edith just might be smarter than her!! I hate that this is the last season, but it seems like they are getting ready to tidy it all up for happy endings for us. Sigh.

  4. We finally have a bit of snowy winter weather here too. I look forward to seeing your pancake recipe.

  5. Winter is the perfect time to sit by a fire, I do while I'm knitting. I haven't watched last nights's episode of downtown abbey so I'm glad you didn't give too much away! Snow is on our ground and bitter cold today and snow forecasted for Wednesday. Stay warm!

  6. Loved Downton Abbey last night! So very proud of Edith as well as Mrs. Hughes, now Mrs. Carson. :) Just hate that this is the last season!

    I think every American should see "13 Hours". There are such revelations for those that didn't follow this horrific event. Yes, it's infuriating too!

    Your dog is adorable!! Glad you enjoyed being outside in the fresh air ~ quite rejuvenating.


  7. The movie sounds very thought provoking, I'm a news addict so I am well aware of what went on in Bengazi. Sadly, I can't hear in theaters with my hearing loss. Still, it sounds good and maybe I'll watch it when it comes to my TV and I have CC.

    Your pup is so cute and I admire that you take these walks in the woods when the weather is so brutal. The rewards is that warm fire!!


  8. I spent the weekend at the curling club helping with a big bonspiel (tournament), then settled in for some football (go Broncos!) and Downton. Am absolutely loving this season - weddings, successful Edith and now the return of Robert! Am also watching a new series on Netflix - another British period piece - Dancing on the Edge. Thought of you when I was watching it as I know you like those period pieces too. Stay warm!

  9. Snow World is much different on the West side . . .
    It has been much too icy for me to walk outdoors.
    I tried it earlier in the week with Snickers. We were both "slip, sliding away!"
    I picked her up . . . took off through the deep snow, put her down, she kept falling in . . .
    had to pick her up and carry her home.
    We are taping Downton Season #6 for a winter day treat all in one. I can't wait!

  10. I wish that's all the snow we had up here! We got lots of snow over the weekend and are still getting more. We were gifted with a Roku so we've been checking out movies and tv shows which has opened a new form of entertainment for us. I forgot to watch Downton Abbey on Sunday. I'll have to catch up.

  11. Your weekend sounds wonderful- especially sitting by the fire.
    And yes, I love seeing Edith come into her own.


  12. We may go see 13 Hours this week. My daughter saw it and said you leave feeling sad and angry, but mostly in awe of how brave people can be. Your fire looks cozy. We may see some snow here today which is a rarity, and from what I hear dangerous to be driving in. Not used to it : )


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