Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 - So Much to Look Forward To





The first Monday of the New Year has me looking ahead and thinking about all the things I have to look forward to. I won't be setting any resolutions, because I am pretty happy with the direction of my life, as it is. I like to have goals in mind and things I would like to accomplish, but there will be no beating myself up if they don't happen. I plan to continue the quiet, slow pace of my life, which makes me happy. But, it could also be a year of change and I am open to that too. As empty nesters heading towards retirement, downsizing is definitely the word of the year. I plan to take my time and will definitely be all in, when I do my annual 40 bags in 40 days for the Lenten season. Welcome 2016!

Health - I will continue to walk almost every day - even in the winter. My goal is to increase the miles walked and also be more diligent about adding yoga to my exercise routine. Both walking and yoga have so many benefits, as I continue to control my diabetes and try to cut stress from my life.

Travel - We don't have any big trips planned as of yet, but I would like to take a few more weekends away. I especially want to go to Mackinac Island this year, Chicago and Pittsburgh a time or two to visit Megan. Our annual spring trip to Florida for some much needed sunshine sounds lovely to look forward to.

New and Old - This is the summer that I pick my golf clubs back up and spend more time on the course. I had a nagging hand injury last summer that kept me from golfing at all and I miss it. I also have been feeling the urge to sew again. After years of sewing costumes, it became drudgery rather than fun, and I would like to pick out some pretty fabric and make something just for me.

These are just a few goals, but I plan to enjoy all the little things too; the happiness I get from coffee in my favorite mug, something baking in the oven and the day stretching ahead of me. My quiet days that mean so much to me.

Happy Monday!



  1. This is a great list, Vicki. It feels so good to start fresh and have motivation! I am going to walk too. Went out yesterday in the sunshine and enjoyed it so much. :)

  2. Same here! I have a small list of things to continue and some to improve on! NO huge list to make me feel pressured:) Have a blessed day dear friend, 2016 is gonna be a great year! HUGS!

  3. You go, girl! Looking forward to following your journey!

  4. A great post full of goodness!! I look forward to following along this year! Happy 2016!

  5. I'm downsizing too. Will be giving up my antiques booth so that I can concentrate on my garden and golfing more. Plus it means no more lugging heavy furniture all over the place - something my bad back needs. We're heading off to a sunny vacation TODAY, but no other major plans for the year. The big thing is that I turn 60 this year, so there will be a few celebrations marking that!

  6. I think January will be my biggest downsizing, decluttering, giveaway, donate month ever . . .
    Receiving a bunch of encouragement from friends like you . . .
    (Right now I am walking . . . better said . . . going out for my walk!)
    Back to " the above" in an hour or so!

  7. I'm with you completely! The older I get the more I appreciate the simple things in life. And the less I feel the need to beat myself up for perceived failings.

  8. I am 75 and applaud all i read on here from all of you great ladies. We can always learn from others, yeah even at 75. I had shoulder replacement surgery on 12/7 and seem to be doing pretty well. The therapists that come to help me shower, breathing, phy.therapy or whatever have been a ray of sunshine in my life. All the people at the hospital were so nice hated to leave, went home day after surgery. Been told have great attitude, hope so. Have to get this arm back in motion so can be used again to do what I love.
    Good reading of this post. I'ts true, the older i get simple things mean so much and keep me so happy. We live in a very expensive area, we're dependent on our SS to live so we can't go traveling but we have a nice quiet life and each other, our furry kidz and our chickens. What more do we need? Let all the niggling nonsense go by the way, not worth even thinking about. HOpe you all had wonderful New years. I got stomach flu 2nd. week after surgery but made it thru then last week got first cold have had in years. It's almost gone and feeling much better. Feel very fortunate to have sweet hubs that takes very good care of me, we just celebrated our 47th. wedding anniversary
    We have it hard but we're together, have our daughter and other kids. Happy to all

  9. Those are good goals.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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