Monday, December 14, 2015

Holiday Cheer at Bunco




Friday night, my neighborhood Bunco group had our annual progressive party to celebrate the holiday season. We started out at my house with appetizers and festive Frost Bite Martinis, walked down the street to play Bunco (and eat more appetizers) at another house and finished the night by walking around the corner for decadent chocolate martinis, dessert (tiramisu cake) and a gift exchange.



Our Bunco group is over twenty years old and still going strong. People have moved away, lost their battle with cancer and dropped out for various other reasons. We started with preschoolers and now have weddings and grandchildren on the horizon. But, the core group is still active and we meet once a month even if it turns out to be a smaller than normal group and we talk rather than actually playing Bunco.

Our traditions remain the same year after year and the progressive holiday Bunco is a highlight that brings us many wonderful memories. Many years, we have walked through deep snow to get to our next stop, but we were definitely laughing all the way. One year, I think there were even snow angels involved. After twenty plus years, the stories are plentiful and the retelling is half the fun. It's a group of friends worth holding on to.

Happy Monday!



  1. How wonderful to have good friends like that right in your neighborhood! I know some folks who love to play Bunco, but it's not a regular thing. You drinks look yummy!

  2. Vicki.. you are so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of friends. Love the tablecloth. Have a wonderful week.

  3. What a fun tradition:) Enjoy your day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  4. Fun times. Our group decided a couple years ago to not meet in December. I am kinda bummed. I loved our annual gift exchange.

  5. How very fun. Years ago I was invited to join a Bunco group and, shy and inhibited person that I am (even more back then), I declined because I had (and have) NO idea what Bunco is and was afraid I would just look like an idiot. A decision I still regret, because I have lost touch with those people and really thought we might grow to like each other a lot until that refusal. They didn't reach out again so I sank my battleship on that particular friendship. I am happy for you that, somewhere along the line, you said a big 'yes' to a chain of events that resulted in this fun time. :)

  6. Let me just say this after following your blog for a couple of years.....I love your life! Don't get me wrong, I love mine too. I just want to add a couple things of yours to mine - Bunco group, reading club and tailgating!

  7. I love bunco! No one plays it around me so I wish I lived closer!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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