Monday, November 2, 2015

Welcome November




There is something so special to me about the month of November. I love the beginning of the shorter days and all the coziness that they bring. Savoring these last autumn days, before winter arrives and the inherent busyness of the holiday season gives me room to pause. Since I host both Thanksgiving and Christmas, there will be much to do, but for now I can happily make lists without a sense of urgency. Thanksgiving is a joy to host and my plans are essentially the same, year after year. I love having family here on that day and love the traditions that go along with a day set aside for giving thanks and just being together.

I will be finishing my guest bathroom update this month; just in time for the holidays. I have plenty of time and don't plan on having too strict of a deadline for the renovation. It's a small room and I should be able to finish fairly quickly and if I don't, a few last minute touch ups in December will be fine. The hard part is done, with the removal of the wallpaper and I find painting fairly relaxing. I look forward to starting the holidays with a freshly updated room.

So, hello November. It will be equal parts relaxing with a book, a blanket and a hot drink, as well as preparations for the holidays. That sounds perfect to me.

Happy Monday!



  1. Good Monday morning dear friend! I have a list of things to get accomplished BUT... no rush:) Have a blessed week ahead! HUGS!

  2. I hope you get it all done in time, but painting - relaxing? Not here!

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing your updated bathroom!! You seem very calm with so much to do. I envy those who get to host big family & friends holiday meals. I miss it. Happy November!!

  4. I also have some painting to finish in my powder room but no hurry! I am looking forward the holidays and relaxation.....

  5. That sounds exactly like my month will play out - minus Thanksgiving as we've done ours back in October (Canadian, eh). Despite the fact that November brings winter that much closer, I kind of like the stark light in the mornings and a schedule that is not too busy.

  6. I'm a big fan of November too, and especially Thanksgiving. We're going to travel this year, meeting my youngest daughter's boyfriend's family which we're looking forward to. Also, I was not excited about cooking a big turkey dinner in my makeshift kitchen here. I mean it's a real kitchen, but all my 'gear' is in storage and we just rented the basics. A big holiday meal would be a challenge.

  7. I love November also. The weather begins to cool down and the trees are lovely!

  8. November is a bit of a blah month for me. It feels a bit like February, you know, when you think you've had enough of winter. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in this country, no doubt it would lift my spirits. Enjoy the festive preparations. x


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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