Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving and Our Anniversary




It's early on Thanksgiving morning, my house is still quiet and I guess you could call it the calm before the storm. My table is set, most of the food has been prepared and the turkey is waiting to be stuffed. We will be making the stuffing soon (my husband likes to help make it) and enjoying coffee, a special breakfast and the parades. Champagne is chilling for Apple Cider Mimosas too.

Our anniversary is today (33) and when it falls on Thanksgiving, we delay our celebration for a day or two. It's nice to be able to spend the day together, even if we are hosting fourteen for dinner :-)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a relaxing holiday weekend!



  1. Happy Day Vicki . . .
    Anniversary day morning together and Thanksgiving Day with Fourteen . . .
    Sounds like a wonderful time together . . .
    I will be thinking of you when I mix up the Beauchamp Orchard Salad . . .
    Happy Anniversary #33 . . .

  2. Sounds like the perfect morning to me:) My day will be busy too and thankful to spend it with my Family! Happy Anniversary dear friend! Celebrate ALL day! HUGS!

  3. Happy Anniversary and a Thanksgiving filled with blessings!

  4. Have a happy Thanksgiving Vicki, and a wonderful anniversary celebration! Congratulations.

  5. Happy Anniversary and Happy Thanksgiving!!! Hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends. Best ~ Mickie.

  6. Well, happy anniversary and I trust your Thanksgiving dinner was wonderful with so many family and friends around your table. We only have five. I miss the noise and fun of BIG holidays.

  7. Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Happy Anniversary! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful with all your guests.

  9. Happy Anniversary and Happy Thanksgiving!
    That 'calm before the storm' that you described is one of my favorite times of any day- but especially during the holiday season.

    Enjoyed visiting,
    White Spray Paint


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