Friday, November 20, 2015

So Simple, So Sweet




I spotted this idea for a simple Thanksgiving place setting and immediately knew it was what I was looking for. It is such a sweet concept; just a bit of burlap (which I had plenty of in my stash of fabric and ribbon) and a fresh sprig of rosemary. It's very adaptable to other holiday occasions too. Wouldn't it look just as lovely with a branch of holly at Christmastime?

My table is not set, quite yet. This was a trial run, but when my daughter arrives home for the holiday, this will be the perfect job for her. She can cut the lengths of burlap, wrap the silverware and then insert the rosemary right before our guests arrive, so it stays fresh and green. The countdown begins for those of us hosting, but it is a simple idea like this one, that will help move things along with ease.

Have a wonderful weekend!


{Linking with these friends}

A Stroll Thru Life

Savvy Southern Style

The Charm of Home

Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson

Between Naps on the Porch

Cozy Little House

Sunny Simple Life

Live Laugh Rowe

Skip To My Lou

Rooted in Thyme

DIY by Design

No Minimalist Here


Rattlebridge Farm



  1. Perfect:) Enjoy your day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. That is really sweet.

  3. Your china is really beautiful, Vicki! Love your burlap and rosemary too. It looks great!

  4. I like the Rosemary Burlap idea.
    I might have to copy it along with the Beauchamp Orchard Salad that will join our table.
    Just might be a Vicki created Thansgiving . . . many thanks . . .
    Now if only we can celebrate a win . . . it will be a wonderful thing!

  5. Keep it simple!! Especially if it looks like this! And it would work perfect for Christmas with a piece of holly instead of rosemary.

  6. Vicki, you can't beat simplicity! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Oh I do love simplicity! Very nice! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!


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