Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday Morning




It's the Monday morning before Thanksgiving and if you are like me, busy as can be. I generally like to take my Monday mornings slow, but not this week. There is much to do and since I am having the carpet cleaned in a few rooms this morning, things will be torn apart, before they are finally put back together. But, everything will be fresh and clean and all ready to be decorated for Christmas.

We woke up Sunday to brilliant blue skies and about eight inches of heavy, wet snow. It was pretty, but I prefer our first snowfall to be in December and not before Thanksgiving. We went to see the new Hunger Games movie in the middle of the snowstorm and it was a mess to drive in, but worth it because the movie was great. I love Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss.

And finally, what can I say about my MSU football team , but how proud I am to be a Spartan. Beating Ohio State was a very sweet victory indeed. My heart cannot take too many more of these last second wins.

Happy Monday!



  1. I am with you except for NO SNOW here:) Enjoy your week dear friend, stay safe and warm! I watched your team, AWESOME!

  2. So many are blogging about snow falls. So glad I don't have to worry about that here in Florida! I can't wait to see the next Hunger Games movie! Loved the books and the movies so far have been great! We had floors cleaned today so are on the same wave-length!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Sounds like you will be all set . . . bet your carpets are cleaned by now.
    Things back in place and I am sure you are enjoying the "getting ready" part for Thanksgiving Day!
    What a thrill that game was . . .

  4. Once again, I'm in awe of how you American ladies manage to pull Thanksgiving off in the middle of the week and then jump into Christmas. November for us Canadians is a quiet month of preparing, cleaning and organizing before the business of December. Have a great week!!!

  5. NO snow for us yet either, doggone it, I want snow. Yeah I know am I crazy, yup, crazy about snow. Lived many years in no snow ever to be had but in later life living in places it's sure to snow. Well usually. We live few miles west of Grand Junction, CO out in country. The CO river runs along side Highway 70 which is 2 miles south of us. Usually we've had snow by now and really cold but not this year.
    How nice to get your carpets cleaned just in time for holidays. We could use a few clean ones ourselves. With a hairy dog in house vacuuming is frequent activity. He loses clumps of it this time of year so I go around bending down to pick them up when am not vacuuming. It's called job security, lol. You must be enjoying those spiffy clean carpets by now and have house put back together? Enjoy your hard work over holidays.
    Wishing you and yours a very happy wonderful Thanksgiving


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