Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Walking in the Leaves





Am I ever happy I took a long walk earlier this week, since we are now dealing with the remnants of the southern tropical storm. I am always amazed that the wind and rain we receive sometimes has its roots from so far away and can reach this far north, but such is nature. We are just past our peak of color, with leaves starting to fall like crazy, but it is still very pretty. The wind and rain will scatter and bring down much of what is left on the trees and all this fall beauty will be just a memory.





As you know, I try to walk every day that I can. It is a good routine to have and it gets me out, so even on days I may not feel like it, I am always very glad I did, once out walking. As I walk along the paths; and especially this time of year, with so much beauty to see, any worries melt away and the sound of leaves crunching under my feet becomes the only thing I am aware of. It's almost meditative and exactly what I need on many days.



Cooper, my favorite walking buddy, is always happy to go as far as I want to and on this walk, we experienced every bit of autumn beauty that we could find. We go where the paths take us and enjoy the feeling of being far away from civilization, even though we are in the middle of a neighborhood. It's all about perspective and being in tune with what is around you. The sights, the smells and the constant way that nature changes. It's good for the soul.

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style



  1. Beautiful pictures of the changing colors and falling leaves!

  2. Yes, we are having rainy days here too! It is supposed to clear up and I am looking forward to going on a walk:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  3. Pretty pics! We're going on Day 5 of gloomy, dreary, and high humdity weather. Ugh!

  4. I'm glad my pup forces me to get up and out and take a walk with him, even in the worse weather. It's all about the proper gear.

  5. Perhaps that storm came our way, too. We got a downpour early this morning that caused a lot of flooding and a lot of mess in the streets. Senior boy and I stayed home. Better safe than sorry. Cooper sure is a cutie! Walking is my favorite thing to do, too. Autumn sure looks lovely in your neck of the woods.

  6. Vicki, Cooper is SO cute!! Love your photos and the pretty views. So many of my blogging friends have such lovely places to walk.

  7. Oh, how I would enjoy walking along a trail like that. Your dog is adorable.

  8. I agree, the last week or so has been so beautiful! You are lucky to have such a good walking companion -- my last two dogs were even lazier than I am, lol. :)

  9. You are so right about needing to get out there and enjoy it. And the colors this year are especially good. <3 your little walking buddy!

  10. Nice walking trails . . .
    and Cooper looks like a great companion.
    We have gone from color to brown . . .
    And wind and rain brought many of the leaves to the ground . . .
    Happy Halloween . . .

  11. It's been wonderful walking in the woods lately. My yard is a sea of maple leaves right now - it's gorgeous. The storm blew a ton of leaves away yesterday. But it's gorgeous though cool today. I'll be heading out shortly for my walk.

  12. I love ur buddy, Cooper, everso!!!

  13. Beautiful photos..walking on crunchy leaves always makes me feel so good. Cooper makes a really great companion and makes me miss mine (passed 2 years ago). The rain has brought down most of the leaves. I think I'll head out for a walk tomorrow..thanks for inspiring me!


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