Monday, October 19, 2015

One Crazy Ending





For us, the weekend was about one thing and one thing only. The big football game between MSU and UofM; a rivalry both in the state and in our family. My daughters were at the game in Ann Arbor, while we were nervously watching from home. If you saw the crazy ending and the MSU win, you will know exactly what I am talking about. When MSU recovered a fumble in the final ten seconds and scored it was as if I couldn't believe what I was seeing on my television screen. Honestly, I was jumping and screaming so much, I scared my dog right out of the room.

And, post game, we spent time relaxing and enjoying a quiet family day. I love having both of my daughters at home, hearing their laughter and sisterly conversation, as they enjoy a day on the couch with unlimited food from my pantry and fridge.

Happy Monday!



  1. I was out of town and didn't see the game but have watched that ending several times:) I told my husband I bet you were there! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. We were out for the day to "see some fall color" and celebrate our anniversary weekend. Home in time to watch that REALLY GOOD Michigan State/Michigan game! I was at the point of containing my disappointment over the apparent loss and reminding myself thatvitcwas a GREAT GAME . . . when I screamed . . . WHAT!!!!!! Hubs and I were watching the game on two separate sets . . . and he who began his college career at Mich State was cheering, I was yelling too and both of us were saying WHAT . . . in disbelief! What a THRILL . . .

  3. What an ending indeed! Of course, with Auburn's miracle at the end of our game two years ago, I know that ANYTHING can happen at the end of a football game! Loved seeing the highlights all weekend and the Michigan fans' faces!

  4. What a game that definitely proved it's not over until it's over! I know you enjoyed the weekend with your daughters being home. Family time is wonderful.

  5. Everybody's been talking about the game! Great pic of the girls!

  6. Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirlfriend.........WHAT a game! Ya'll played right before we did, so of course, we were watching and OMG......cheered and cheered for you all afternoon. Poor guy that got hurt during the celebration. How fun it must have been in your house on Saturday!

  7. Didn't see the game, but heard about it. We're feeling the same frustration with our beloved Blue Jays on the weekend. But they've redeemed themselves with that stellar win last night.

  8. Being from Ohio, I can only say that I was thrilled with the outcome of the game. I'm really not a college football fan anymore, but that win made me happy! Glad you had such a great family weekend!!

  9. That was an incredible ending! I've watched it over and over on the TV replays and it gets better every time! (And it's always nice to be on the "recovering" side of the fumble!).


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