Monday, October 12, 2015

Just a Fall Weekend




The leaves are just starting to turn and fall as we enter mid October, here in Michigan. We had a beautiful Indian Summer type weekend, with clear blue skies and temperatures warm enough to be spent outside. It was the first weekend we have not had a football game to attend in a while and as much as I enjoy my football Saturdays, it was nice to have some free time both days.



What did I do on a lovely fall weekend? Lots of walks to enjoy the changing of the season, including one with my parents on Sunday. A baby shower in my neighborhood on Saturday night that was more of a party than a traditional shower, with husbands there too. It was very nice to catch up with all my wonderful neighbors and hear how everyone was doing. The mother to be is my girl's former babysitter and oh how time flies! There was a football game to watch and thankfully a win, as we head into rivalry week and the MSU versus UofM game in Ann Arbor. Megan ( our UofM grad ) is coming to visit this weekend and that makes me very happy too.

Just a simple fall weekend, but definitely full of happy things.

Happy Monday!



  1. I love the fall. Something about the smell of the cool outdoors, and the warm apple smells of homes indoors. However, I could skip winter all together and go straight to spring.
    Happy Fall Vicki!

  2. Michigan weather at its best this weekend . . , East and West!

  3. Oh the beautiful FALL leaves are just beginning to turn here:) Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, HUGS!

  4. Happy Monday to you too! So far, it's looking like another glorious Indian Summer day in Michigan. I watched Home Fires last night on PBS. Thanks for the heads-up. My guys had a great time at the MSU football game in New Jersey Saturday night.

  5. What a great weekend you had, with another great one ahead!! Hope your team wins that game!

  6. It was our Thanksgiving here in Canada. The house was full with my kids and grandsons visiting. And the weather was perfect - leaves falling, warm temperatures, breakfast outside on the patio yesterday. A perfect weekend. We better enjoy them - there won't be many more before the cold sets in.

  7. It was a fantastic weekend wasn't it! The big game is coming!!

  8. We ...LSU....are trying our hardest to get to the top with y'all!!!!!! Wouldn't it be a hoot if we ended up playing y'all?????

  9. Pretty colors! And aren't we enjoying the best weather!?


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