Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween Preparation and a Cocktail




Without little ones at home any longer, my Halloween preparations are not nearly as hectic. No class parties to prepare and no trips to the store for just the right costume. I will go out and buy my candy for the trick or treaters today, since we will have quite a few, even if it is raining. Our pumpkin is carved and will welcome the trick or treaters with its spooky light, as well as the creepy witch that hangs on my front door.

A tradition the past few years has been to celebrate Halloween night with a fun cocktail as I pass out the candy. Last year I really enjoyed my Caramel Apple Martini. This year I have come up with a yummy Apple Cider Margarita. I gave it a try last night and will be making it again on Halloween night. It's a great seasonal cocktail; perfect for an autumn night by the fire.

Apple Cider Margarita: wet the rim of a glass with apple cider and dip in a cinnamon sugar mixture. Add a generous amount of ice to the glass and add 3/4 cup apple cider, 1 shot tequila, 1 shot triple sec and a generous splash of lime juice. Stir, garnish with an apple slice and enjoy.



Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Halloween!


Linking with Between Naps on the Porch



  1. I like the pumpkin! Hope you have a Happy Halloween!

  2. I'd rather have a margarita than a kitkat any day. Have a great weekend!

  3. You're ahead of the game = still need to carve my pumpkin. But it's always been a long tradition to do it as close to evening as possible. I think it's more about procrastination than tradition - lol.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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