Monday, October 5, 2015

A Surprise Meeting




Another football Saturday on MSU's campus, but this one came with a wonderful surprise meeting of my college roommate. It's been several years since we have seen each other, besides the annual Christmas card photo and I had no idea she would even be on campus. The surprise and delight in running into her while walking down the street made my day and I think it will be the beginning of a reconnection for both of us. Just seeing her brought back so many wonderful memories and I would love to catch up even more in the future. Sometimes we have to go where fate leads us.





Since it was homecoming, we started the morning at the Alumni Association Green and White breakfast with delicious food, the band, the cheerleaders and a speech from Coach Dantonio.




We walked to the Sparty statue to watch the team make its traditional walk to the stadium and that is where we met my roommate. Since the weather was quite chilly and threatening rain, we headed to our regular tailgate spot, where we knew there was a tent and even a heater to keep us warm, until game time. The weather turned even more miserable during the game, with a cold rain and wind gusts. The game seemed well in hand and we made the decision to go to one of our favorite bars and watch the final minutes in comfort. Things got a little dicey, the score became close and we, along with all the other bar patrons, loudly cheered the Spartans on to a close victory. A little wet and a little cold, but another day on campus to remember.

Happy Monday!



  1. So fun for you to run into your old buddy. I would have been in that heated tent, too! Enjoy your week.

  2. Loyal to the end . . . cheering them to victory!
    (It was sooo cold Saturday on the west side too!)
    What fun to run into an old "roomie!"

  3. That is so fun you just happened to run into one another! Was a nasty weekend weather wise for football.

  4. How fun to run into your roommate! I love small world stories like that. It was a tough weekend (season) to be a Volunteer fan. Sigh.

  5. It is so great that you ran into your roommate!! I hope you will be able to reconnect and continue the friendship! Love the photos and I'm glad you had such a good weekend!

  6. Oh what a fun time to reconnect with an old friend:) I have enjoyed watching all of the football games this year and always think about you when I watch MSU! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. I love the serendipity of running into your roommate. Imagine if you had taken a different route or not gone to visit Sparty at all. You might never have bumped into each other!


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