Friday, September 18, 2015

Changing, Thinking, Reading






I am starting the change over to fall in my garden. The last of the summer blooms were cut and put in a vase, the first of the season's mums have been purchased and placed in pots here and there and there are even a few of the first maple leaves starting to turn, so brilliantly. So much pretty color already and more to look forward to.



Sometimes when reading a blog post, it really strikes a nerve and makes me think. My blog friend Mo, from Mocadeaux wrote a post this week about an anniversary at her children's preschool. I started to remember my daughter's co-op preschool and my board position there and then all the years and all the jobs I took on in order to be involved in my girl's lives. Brownie leader (twice), playground parent and room mother in elementary school. Auction committees, PTO board positions, costume director ( many late nights sewing) for middle school musicals, youth group and field trip chaperone. Gymnastics meet awards committee, swim team co-president and pompon team vice-president. Plus, many other jobs I can't really remember. All done with love, but looking back, I wonder how did I ever have the energy?!




I have been reading two new female detective series and loving them. Both have strong female characters and great supporting ones as well and are set in my favorite location; London. I am a new fan of both Maeve Kerrigan and Lacey Flint and so glad I found these books. Now I wait impatiently for the newest books in the series.

Have a wonderful weekend!









  1. Yes, it is tiring keeping up with a ten year old daughter! I just have to go to bed early some nights - like I did last night at 8:30!

  2. Reading your list of things you did staying active in your children's school lives makes me wonder if that is happening with parents/moms in today's world. I volunteered in my grand children's classrooms . . . so rewarding. I felt fortunate for that opportunity. Good for you Vicki for your hours of volunteering . . . when I was teaching I appreciated moms and dad's who stayed active with their children and their schools.

  3. Beautiful Fall colors:) I am working on getting my garden ready for Fall! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Have you read John Hart's books. I think he is a brilliant writer . . . The Last Child was the one I read first, I was mesermized . . . Now I wait for his books to come out. I just read Iron House. Again . . . I am caught up, can't put his books down.

    Just read All The Light We Cannot See . . . excellent . . . author is Doerr, (I think.)

  5. Those books sound great! I love strong female characters and a real sense of place. That they're mysteries...even better.

  6. Just put the books on my "must read" list. Have a great weekend!!

  7. I'm not familiar with those authors, but I do love a good female lead and a good mystery. Thanks for the tip!

  8. I love mysteries, about all I read. Such lovely fall is coming!

  9. How did we have the energy??? Youth!!!!! We were so young back then and had more energy than that ol' bunny!! and we were certainly never afforded the time to read a real, hardback book with a storyline that didn't include a bunny or a pirate or a little boy who fishes!!!!!
    I like the slow flow of my life now.......I really really do!!
    Good Luck to your Spartans today!

  10. Vicki, I'm so glad that my post brought back memories of a great (but exhausting!) time in your life! Now as I spend time with my pre-school aged grandsons, it reenforces the notion that there is a reason that we don't have children in our 50s! Happy autumn!


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