Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Back at the River





It was so wonderful to be back in northern Michigan at our friend's cabin on the north branch of the Au Sable River. It is a peaceful, beautiful place, deep in the woods and time just seems to stand still. There is internet, but when you are surrounded by this kind of natural beauty, there is no need to be connected and for the most part, my phone was put away.





There was a lot of time spent contemplating the flow of the river from the deck. There was a lot of good conversation, with two really good friends. There were glasses of wine, beer and Bloody Mary's to add to the relaxation. But, mostly we stayed put and cooked some great meals; only venturing into civilization for breakfast or a drink at a local bar, right on the river, during one of our canoe trips.




But, it always goes back to the flow of the river there. Whether watching it or following its current in a canoe, you mimic its movement and slow down. There is something to be said for a slower pace and we were lucky enough to find it this weekend.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Beautiful scenes and lazy river life is SO peaceful:) Enjoy your Tuesday dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. How wonderful!! It looks like a true sanctuary! Glad you had such a great weekend!

  3. I love the Au Sable. I was dunked there just last week. :)

  4. Gorgeous! So peaceful looking....one set of my parents (dad and step-mom) are in Northern Michigan and I just LOVE my time up there. Looks like you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

  5. Sounds like a great weekend! I love the relaxed feeling of hanging out, sharing stories and cooking meals together.

  6. Sounds perfect to me. There's nothing like a day beside the water to drop your blood pressure a few points. There were bloody marys in our weekend too, and lots of relaxing. Enjoy your day!

  7. It is so good to spend some weekends in nature away from the busyness of modern life---quiet time to just "be." So glad you had that opportunity.

  8. Ahh... perfect! I know how nice this can be! We had a lot of rain and being outdoors was not on the ticket. Of course now it's nice after the holiday weekend! My hubby loves a good bloody mary!

  9. I'm having a crappy day, so thank you. These pictures really chilled me out!


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