Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Weekend at Lake Huron




Our weekend was a whirlwind of family and fun, included driving through major storms, traffic and some strange weather, but I wouldn't have traded a minute of it. We stayed right on the shores of Lake Huron and my view each morning was of sand and blue water, as far as the eye could see.



We started our first morning at the cutest coffee shop and enjoyed the sunshine, while it lasted, sitting outside together. We shopped for a bit in some lovely stores, surrounded by flowers, and then headed to join the rest of my family at an inland lake.



The weather was strange; clouds, sun and rain all at the same time, but we still managed to have a great day. There was jet skiing, tubing and a lot of just sitting and talking. It was great to catch up with my neice and four nephews who came from as far away as Boston and Texas. We reminisced a lot and my parents enjoyed having all their grandchildren in one place.



Having my girls together was wonderful and they quickly got back into the rythym of sisterhood. They were found side by side, the whole weekend and truly enjoyed being back together.



As the sun set on the lake and we looked forward to an evening by the fire, it was apparent that the long travel for so many was more than worth the effort it took and time spent together was precious.

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Between Naps on the Porch and Savvy Southern Style



  1. Beautiful pictures:) Love the beach scene and the sunset! Memories made for a lifetime! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. A great way to spend the weekend. The lake is so beautiful this time of year.

  3. Vicki... your girls are beautiful! Looks like such a fun time!

  4. Vicki, it is so great that you had such a wonderful time with your family and especially your girls! The photos are precious!

  5. Family vacations are the best! And when folks are able to come from great distances, it makes the trip even more special!

  6. Sounds wonderful . . . in between storms, rain and long travel.
    Your girls look so sweet together . . .

  7. We did have some bad weather here in Traverse City last weekend. I did a blog post about it on my garden blog. Sounds like it was more peaceful over on Lake Huron. That's wonderful your daughters got to spend some quality time together as well as you and your hubby. Sure is different when the kids are gone isn't it!

  8. What a beautiful place to spend time with your family! Thanks for linking up to my Take Me Away Party! Enjoy your week!


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