Friday, August 21, 2015

Two Things on Friday




I couldn't stop reading this book; in fact I devoured it. It was so uniquely written in the way the story follows one character through the eyes of an ever changing variety of characters. The stories are all different and interesting in their own right and when you think the connection to the main character is not there, the subtle connection will be revealed and it will astound you.

Kitchens of the Great Midwest is about the life of Eva Thornvald, as told from the point of view of those who touch her life in great and small ways. Each chapter also focuses on a different dish that plays a part in each character's own life and the book is a tribute to foodies everywhere. We see that Eva is extraordinary, as is this book, with an ending that will leave you satisfied like no other. I'm pretty sure this will be my book club recommendation for 2016.




Trying to stretch out summer, Melissa and I went to a cute Mexican restaurant in our little town's downtown, sat on the patio and had dinner and a Margarita, on a Thursday night. She is such good company, but very busy, so I don't see her too much. It was great to catch up and just enjoy a lovely summer evening.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Happy time with your girl, nothing better:) Thanks for the review of the book! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. So great that you got to spend time with your daughter mid week!

  3. This is the second time in a week the book has been brought to my attention. Looks like I'd better read it!

  4. Gonna look for that book this weekend. I am now an empty nester - officially and have a lot of reading planned for my future.

  5. I have heard so many great things about this book, lately. I am definitely going to download it. Have a wonderful weekend, Vicki!

  6. Sounds like a great book".
    I'd say, Great Review Vicki . . .
    Happy you and your daughter caught some time together!

  7. I just put this one on reserve Wednesday. It's getting great reviews everywhere. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. What a wonderful photo of you two!! That margarita looks delicious!!

  9. OH! I've heard of this book, but until I read your post I thought it was a cookbook and I couldn't understand why everyone was talking about it! Thanks for the review!

  10. Trying to stretch out summer here too!! Friday night, we sat on the patio, drank some wine and lit a fire in the chimenea. Last night it was great cheese I found at a local market on the deck under the trees. Too few weekends left before autumn hits.


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