Friday, August 7, 2015

Still Summer





Does anyone else feel like the calendar turns to August and summer begins to wane just a little? There is back to school talk, flowers start looking past their prime in some cases and football season tailgating plans are being discussed. But, I'm going to hold on to summer these last few weeks. I am still enjoying afternoons on my backyard patio, with something good to drink; whether it be iced tea or maybe even a fun summer cocktail. I am even still celebrating my June birthday with a late gift. The candle is solar powered with an on/off switch and I just love it.



I'm still making simple summer bouquets with whatever I can find that is blooming, mixed with a few leaves for filler.



There are still the late blooming flowers to look forward to like these Sweet Coneflowers. They are just beginning to bloom and I will be able to enjoy these in vases for many weeks.



And, I'm still working my way through my summer reading list. I'm currently reading the newest V.I. Warshawski book and enjoying her detecting her way through Chicago's gritty south side.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Some of the kids are already back in school here, and the rest all start Monday! My oldest has had pre-planning all week. CRAZY as we truly are in the midst of summer here, especially with these temperatures. I too am holding on to the last few weeks as best I can.

  2. Yes, Summer is moving on! I have very few flowers left that I can pick for my vases! Hope you have a truly blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Sorry, Vicki, but I'm over summer! Bring on fall!! And cooler temps!!

  4. I'm not a fan of summer..Hot and buggy..Bring on fall...The flowers have been beautiful this year...We need rain badly..getting a little tired of watering..Enjoy your weekend..Tail gaiting sounds good right now..My favorite time of year..

  5. Yes, summer has just flown by but our cooler temps are still a couple of months away here in Florida. Private schools start back on the 17th and public schools on the 24th. Your patio looks so inviting!! We don't use ours until October, when the humidity lifts and the temps are lower.

  6. August came too quickly!!! Thanks for the book suggestion. Enjoy your weekend!!

  7. You wrote exactly how I think of this month. And your yard is lovely!

  8. I agree . . . the summer days are winding down . . .
    And moving fast!
    I am enjoying these last days as much as possible.
    I have an indented look in the porch furniture cushions . . .
    There has been a reading marathon going on here . . .


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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