Monday, July 20, 2015

The Sweet Parts




The summer is humming right along and the weekends come and go so fast. This weekend I made a point of savoring the things that made me happy along the way.

First, Melissa and I spent hours at the mall on Saturday. Normally that would not be my first choice for a summer activity, but we made an afternoon of it, with lunch at Nordstom Cafe ( one of my favorites) and a search for the perfect business appropriate cocktail dress; red, white or black. We went in store after store and wouldn't you know it, ended up back where we started, with the perfect little black dress. And, a bonus was the even further discounted sale price when we went to the counter to pay. Melissa is fun to shop with and it was a great spending the day with her.

Sunday afternoon was spent at our club's pool, relaxing and beating the heat by taking a dip every now and then. I couldn't be bothered to read my book and really just spent my time looking at the sky and clouds and not thinking about much at all.

Sunday night is my favorite night of television in the summer and there are two shows on PBS that I am trying not to miss. Last Tango in Halifax was extremely emotional, poignant and I was happy I was able to avoid the spoilers since the series has already been shown on the BBC. But, my real favorite and a show I highly recommend to anyone who loves a BBC period drama, is Poldark. The class struggles give an interesting 18th century slice of life and the romance between Ross and Demelza is wonderfully written. And, every week, I am enthralled by the beauty of Cornwall with its beaches, cliffs and fields of wildflowers.

Happy Monday!




  1. Happy Monday to you! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend:) HUGS!

  2. Nordstrom Cafe is the best! I'm glad you weekend was filled with so many of your favorite people and things!

  3. We are loving Poldark!! It is SO well done. Shopping is always fun! We spent time by our pool this past weekend, too. I did read my book though.

  4. Glad your weekend was spent with that cool girl of yours!!
    Left comment on your blogging anniversary post but it just went thru today....

  5. We spent Saturday rummaging around the antiques market with my husband's coworker and hie wife. Not exactly how I wanted to spend a 95F sunny day! But it was nice to leisurely stroll around the market where I usually just work on my booth.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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