Friday, July 31, 2015

Gardening Wins and Losses




The beginning of August and hotter days without much of a break can bring a quick end to a flower garden's lushness and growth. Some flowers just don't like the heat, no matter how often you water them. I already have a few early blooming perennials that need cutting back and my hanging basket of pink petunias is getting that leggy look that late in the season petunias tend to have. But, many are still blooming and loving the sun and my frequent watering.



After losing a patch of Black Eyed Susans last year for a mysterious reason I still don't understand, I babied these new plants ever since I planted them in late May. They have rewarded me with lots of flowers and are my favorite blooms at the moment.



The vincas planted around a tree in the front are thriving in the morning sun and frequent watering by the sprinklers. They can take the heat as long as they are established and watered daily.



The cosmos I planted in the ground in my perennial bed are looking so pretty and rewarding me with continuous blooms. Others, I planted in pots, are barely blooming. I will remember that next year.



I adore the zinnias I have planted in several different pots. I have found that getting them off the ground does a better job at keeping away the bugs. They give me many new blooms and I use them for bouquets.

Other losses include my clematis which never bloomed and some sweet pea that will be moved from the shade, to a sunnier spot next spring. Every growing season there is something new to learn and that's what makes gardening so fun.


{Linking with these friends}

A Stroll Thru Life

Savvy Southern Style

The Charm of Home

Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson

Gooseberry Patch

Between Naps on the Porch

Cozy Little House

Sunny Simple Life

Live Laugh Rowe

Skip To My Lou

Rooted in Thyme

DIY by Design

No Minimalist Here



  1. Constant learning in the Season of Gardening.
    Temperature, sunlight, rain, bugs and critters all play a part in the beauty and demise . . .
    At least here where I live.
    The cutting back, cleaning some things out has begun in my gardens for sure.
    But yesterday in a gorgeous warm day, sitting on the porch with a dear friend, cosmos in hand, listening to the birds, watching the wind blow the leaves . . . we both reviled in the beauty of SUMMER.

  2. Enjoy these next few weeks Vicki!

  3. SO many pretty flowers! The heat has made a mess of some of mine but I am enjoying the ones that are still blooming! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Your flowers are beautiful! We've had storms, LOTS of rain and now hot temperatures so the flowers in my garden have suffered greatly. I'm so thankful that my blog-buddies share their lovely gardens. Thanks for your photos!

  5. At our house, I'm in charge of the pots and my husband is in charge of what is in the ground. I'm not particularly happy with how my pots turned out this year but, as you said, I can always try something new next time!

  6. Things are fading here, too. The heat and lack of rain. Oh well. The vegetables seem to do okay anyway.

  7. We learn a little each year about gardening, don't we? I always cut my leggy petunias clear down this time of year and they come back beautiful. I did that in a pot two weeks ago and now they are filling in and blooming again. The ones in the ground I just pinched way back and then gave them a shot of Miracle Grow. That way they will reward me with pretty Fall blooms. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  8. Your flowers are very pretty! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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