Monday, July 6, 2015

Fireworks and Symphony




We started our 4th of July holiday weekend on Friday, the 3rd with a date night at Salute to America at Greenfield Village, one of my favorite spots in the metro Detroit area. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra plays a concert right up to and during the fireworks display and it is just a lovely evening all around. We took a picnic with some yummy appetizers ( including this Proscuitto Wrapped Aspargus) and snacks, along with a few cocktails and found the perfect spot on the hillside to watch fireworks and listen to the music. It was a sellout crowd, but that just added to the festive atmosphere.



The weather was just about perfect too; one of those Michigan nights with just a bit of chill in the air, requiring a sweater or a sweatshirt to be comfortable. There were patriotic songs from both the symphony and the U.S. Army Band and all current and former military members were saluted with the anthems from their individual branches. A favorite part is always the Wiliam Tell Overture, with real cannon fire at the climax. As the fireworks concluded for the night, we agreed it was the best performance in all the years we have been attending. The perfect way to kick off the 4th of July.



  1. That sounds like the perfect evening:) Have a wonderful day and week ahead, HUGS!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day. We kept it low key around the house, as we had just been traveling the week prior.

  3. Looks like a fabulous night! Enjoy your week!

  4. This sounds like fun! Love your pictures, you look so pretty! We have a university 3 blocks away that has several concerts per summer. We haven't been for awhile. I think we've become deadbeats! lol!

    Jane x

  5. Sounds like a fabulous evening! And I love that you took a picnic = we always do the same thing when we go to events like this!!

  6. How very nice, sounds like a perfect evening . . .


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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