Thursday, July 23, 2015

Farmer's Market Dinner





My city's farmer's market is usually held on Saturdays and it can get quite busy and crowded. It is fun to go, because there is music and a lot of activity, but it can be a little hectic, rather than relaxing. I was excited to see that the farmer's market was now open on Tuesday afternoons as well and was happy to see it was busy, but much less so than on Saturdays.




The colorful and fresh veggies are always such a pretty sight and I love walking around and deciding what to bring home. These farmers have their marketing skills on display, with pretty tablecloths on their tables and the veggies portioned in cute baskets.



The farmer's market also had in season fruit - cherries, blueberries and some early peaches. To tempt even further, there was cheese, baked goods ( I bought some yummy whole grain bread) and fresh honey.

Fresh produce always brings back memories of the big garden my parents used to have and the dinners filled with vegetables cooked simply, but so delicious. Last night I cooked a meatless dinner from the veggies I purchased and it was the best meal I have had in a while. There is definitely a difference between the farmer's market veggies and those from the grocery store.

I made yellow squash, sautéed in a little olive oil and onions and green beans with baby redskin potatoes, boiled with a bit of butter and turkey bacon - just like my mother used to do it, but with a healthier twist; less butter, salt and turkey bacon instead of the real kind. Still fresh tasting and oh so delicious.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style



  1. My favorite foods, FRESH:) Enjoy your day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. I love the farmer's market, and all the fresh veggies are wonderful this time of year.

  3. We have a farmers market here at work every Thursday. I always buy blueberries because they are the best I have ever had!

  4. Inspiring . . . everything FRESH!
    Market Days are the best thing ever.
    I have a little road side stand down the road from me where I can pick up fresh veggies too
    when I need a quick purchase. Sweet corn is ready now too . . . oh my . . . YUM!

  5. We have a wonderful farmers' market too and we love to visit. It is only on Saturdays though. Those fresh veggies and fruit look SO good!! There is definitely a difference in taste and testure!

  6. Eating fresh is the best! Your pictures inspire fresh! I am not a good cook but my Italian family had fruit and Veg business so we always had fresh growing up.

    To eat more fresh I tried Blue Apron where they send you all the ingredients. Its a way to eat fresh here is information on it you. You might enjoy

  7. One of the best things about summer is Farmer's markets. Fresh fruits and veggies and so much more. I look forward to Wednesdays, the day for ours, and am there by 7 to get the best pickings. Buy so many berries to make my own jam and so many others things. Always sad when it's over.

  8. Yummy! My husband and I love to walk through the farmer's market and come out with a supper like that. :)

  9. We also have a farmers market on Wednesdays. It's so nice to go and get fresh veggies...I agree, they do taste better! Many of our vendors travel 2 to 5 hours to attend our market, we are so fortunate to have them. Where I purchase my berries for jam the ladies speak Russian to their children...even after three generations of being in America! Your green beans and red potatoes reminds me of my moms...looks so yummy! Mickie


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