Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Birthday Dinner




Yesterday was my birthday and and I looked forward all day to my birthday dinner. We went to our club and even though it was gloomy and cool, still were able to sit on the patio with the beautiful golf course in the background. I had received a call earlier in the day from Megan, so that made me happy too. Having Melissa here for my birthday dinner and being able to share a glass of wine with her, also made the evening special.

I try to look at birthdays now philosophically; they come every year and there is no stopping them, so one might as well be happy with the age they are at. There is a lot to look forward to in the years ahead and my life is good. Today is just like yesterday, even though I'm one year older. And it's so true; you are as young as you feel, and when I'm out walking with my puppy pulling me along at our usual brisk pace, I feel pretty young. And, that's a good place to be on your birthday.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Happy Birthday to you.! Great pic and always a time to celebrate another year. ... I just heard a quote " I always have something to do because I don't turn down an invitation" Enjoy this new year!

  2. Happy Birthday, Vicki! Glad you got to enjoy the day with your family!

  3. Happy Birthday, Vicki! May blessings continue all year long! When I was approaching my 60th b-day a cloud of gloom engulfed me as I realized more years were behind me than ahead of me. But one day as I was out on my daily walk I realized how blessed I was to have a 60th b-day to celebrate because not everyone has the privilege of living to reach that age. It changed my whole outlook, and I've never been downcast over a birthday since. My motto is birthdays are a good thing - the more you have the longer you live! ;-)

  4. Happy Birthday Vicki!! Dinner outside with a glass of wine is the perfect way to spend it. :)

  5. Happy birthday! Each birthday is special and each year marks a milestone. Celebrate!!

  6. Happy birthday! I haven't quite been able to embrace your good attitude, although I certainly agree with it! Glad it was happy. :)

  7. Happy Birthday!! As I approach a milestone birthday, I'm feeling philosophical too. Honestly I wouldn't want to be 30 again - so approaching 60 can't be all that bad.

  8. Happy Birthday Vicki . . .
    You have it right . . .
    Feeling happy, having good physical and emotional energy . . .
    Numbers are just numbers . . .
    Your happy beautiful face says it all . . .
    Happy Birthday!

  9. Awwww...happy late birthday ms. Vickie!!! so glad you had a lovely dinner! and you are so right about age just being a number. Although I have to admit that this ol' body is getting harder and harder to get outa the bed in the morning but my mind still thinks I'm fresh outa college!!!!
    STILL having fun!!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday. My daughter turned 30 on July 1. I enjoy reading your blog. We have a condo in MI and sometimes I cheer for Michigan State, however, my daughter works at Northwestern, husband is from Wisconsin and our primary residence is in Illinois. We did live in Ohio for nine years but we were closer to Ann Arbor than Columbus. Needless to say, I like anything Big Ten. Hope you had a nice birthday and a great summer.

  11. Happy belated birthday! I love your attitude on birthdays. This aging thing just keeps coming, so look for the positive and enjoy! Here's to a wonderful year.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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