Friday, June 19, 2015

Two on Friday





I try to walk with my dog Cooper every day. She loves it and since I am a diabetic, the daily exercise is good for me. When asked if I go to the gym, like my husband does religiously, I always reply that walking is something I really enjoy, it's something I know I will do and that is the best kind of exercise. Plus, we have these fabulous walking trails all over my neighborhood. The trail in the photos above is actually right behind my house and in the summer and especially after all the rain we have been having, it is thick with greenery. It feels as if you are deep in a secret woods, but are really only steps from civilization. This is one of several different paths and routes I can take, so each time I walk, the scenery is a little different. I'm very lucky.



Did you watch The Astronaut's Wives Club last night? After loving the book by the same name and being completely fascinated by this era, I was very much anticipating this television series. Its focus is the space race in the early 1960's and the wives of the Mercury astronauts and their portrayal by Life magazine. They are being described as the first reality stars of their time and I think that is an interesting observation. They were regular military wives, thrust into the spotlight of television, magazine covers and meeting President Kennedy. They coped by forming a tight knit group and helped each other raise their families in Houston, while their husbands were making history. The 1960's fashions are so fabulous to see and there are an abundance of jello molds at their backyard parties. It's a fun summer series.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Hi Vicki! I enjoy walking much more than going to a smelly old gym. Looks like a pretty trail. I taped the Astronaut Wives and am going to watch it today. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I agree that walking is the best exercise! Wish my knees didn't hurt so bad so I could walk more. I missed the show but had intended to watch it. Thanks for the reminder. I'll get it put on the DVR list so I don't miss the next one.

  3. I'm so jealous that you get to walk, Vicki! I never thought I'd miss my 5 am morning walks in 100% humidity, but with my torn ligaments, and now boot (which I've named Felicia, btw), I'll probably be out of commission this summer. I went out with girlfriends last night to celebrate that no bones were broken because of my fall, and Jessica said she recorded the Astronauts' Wives and then I remembered that I hadn't! Darn it! What channel did it come on? Maybe I can catch up this weekend! Hope you have a great one!

  4. Your trail looks like nice and right behind your home. I have trails all near me to which I take advantage of and love them. Have a great weekend. Thanks for your visit.

  5. Missed the show last night but we recorded it. Can't wait to see it. I am hoping for a little something fun to watch this summer.

  6. One thing I can count on with walking is that it is RIGHT THERE!
    Out the door and I can be walking the trails, paths, roads near me . . .
    Sounds like that works for you too Vicki . . .
    I do find I walk faster when my dog isn't with me . . .
    but it is much more fun when she is bouncing along beside me.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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