Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Morning Again




It's Monday morning again and it feels like it came just a little bit too soon this week. The weekend held some fun, busy days, but I am looking forward to our holiday weekend.

  • The weekend started with a fun event on Friday night. We joined a big group of friends at an outdoor car show. It was a very casual affair, where we took our own chairs and drinks, but it was nice to be outside on a beautiful summer night.
  • Saturday was a wild day with rain and extremely windy conditions. I did get a pedicure with Melissa and it felt so good to sit in that massage chair for the hour it took to make my toes look pretty. I could take or leave the pedicure, but the massage chair is worth the price.
  • The sun was back out on Sunday, but my backyard looked like a hurricane blew through. No trees were down, but I spent a good hour picking up sticks, large branches and leaves. As much as I try to keep everything picked up, it is almost impossible when you live in a house, surrounded by trees.
  • Sunday afternoon I walked down to a neighbor's house for a graduation party and spent an enjoyable few hours catching up with my neighbors over a glass of wine. Her backyard was lovely, with several tents and beautiful flowers on the tables.
  • We have plans this week for a fun 4th of July spent at a friend's lake cottage, so the week should go fast in anticipation of that. The summer seems to stretch out with endless days in June, but when July comes it seems to speed up somehow. I hope we have the beautiful weather predicted for this weekend, since we haven't had many hot summer days, as of yet. I look forward to days spent in my bathing suit with a cocktail close by my hand; either at the lake or by the pool.

Happy Monday!



  1. I agree! Monday's come around much too often!

  2. Sounds like a fun but busy weekend! Happy that you didn't have any trees down! Enjoy your week dear friend, HUGS!

  3. I've had two pedicures this year. One for my daughters shower and then again for her wedding. I hate having my feet touched so they were both torture, but I could sit in that massage chair with my feet in that warm, bubbling water all day! So relaxing!

  4. Sounds like you have a fabulous weekend to look forward to!! Can't wait to hear all about it and hopefully see some photos! I don't get pedicures anymore since I got a really bad infection in my leg from one. I was in the hospital for three days. No more pedicures for me. :( Maybe they would just let me sit in the massage chair for 30 minutes?!

  5. Happy Monday to you too! Its always Monday for us since hubs and I are both retired! Sounds like you had a busy and fun weekend...aren't those the best, then Monday morning rolls around and your think...I should of rested!

  6. Enjoy the week, weekend . . .
    and have some fun!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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