Friday, June 12, 2015

Fashion Friday Edition {Skirts for Summer}



I have been playing golf for a long time and that naturally leads to spending time at country clubs. There is an ease of style that has evolved in my summertime dressing and most days you will find me in a golf skirt whether I am golfing or not. There are so many wonderful and fun golf skirts that elevate my style from a pair of shorts and the best part is that I can dress them up or down with a change of shoes or style of top. You can always count on the length to be appropriate too. There are prints, a wide range of solid colors and all types of fabrics to be found. My favorite look is a plaid or paisley skirt with a sweater set in a bright solid color; the sweater tied around my shoulders if the weather is warm and a cute pair of sandals.

Here are some of my favorites, I have my eye on this summer. I have found a great place to find these skirts, besides your favorite golf shop, is your local Dick's Sporting Goods and their woman's golf department.








The pink seersucker is calling my name, as well as the blue paisley. It's a casual, effortless and timeless way to dress.

Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. I can't wait to see you all fancied up, new golf skirt and club in hand!

  2. My little Granddaughters have some really cute golf skirts:) I love the paisley one! I don't play golf but I could look the part if I buy one of these cute skirts, right? Enjoy your day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. I saw some cute athletic skirts tonight at Walmart for Alise ( we were buying things to get her ready for camp this week!) of course, when I showed them to her, she turned her nose up at them, but I thought they were so cute! I'll have to check out Dick's, even tho I don't golf. Or play tennis! I like the preppy look!

  4. Those skirts are really cute. I don't golf but should because my son dose. The skirt might give me an excuse to get my old clubs out and take a few lessons. Also it would be something new to try an put on my "try new things
    " empty nest blog to at
    Great Blog!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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