Friday, June 5, 2015

A 50th Birthday Dinner





I had the pleasure of going out to dinner on Wednesday night to a 50th birthday celebration for a sweet friend. That is one of those milestone birthdays that it is so important for women to celebrate. She has had a tough year also, and I wanted to be there for her on this happy occasion.



We went to a wonderful Mexican restaurant I had never been to before with plenty of open air seating, on a beautiful summer night. We were a small group, but sometimes a small group is just right. We drank a margarita or two, had delicious food and talked about all manner of things. We have been friends for many years and a 50th birthday tends to bring up nostalgia of days past. We have a lot of good memories.

Any time spent with girlfriends is special, especially when the connections are years in the making. There is a shorthand to the conversation and no need for context, like with new friends. Some of the stories are old ones that have been told before, but that's part of the language of life long friends.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I agree. Girlfriend time is the BEST!! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Always good to be and share with girlfriends

  3. That is exactly right-
    any time spent with girl friends is special.

    Have a wonderful weekend,


  4. I'm off to celebrate my BFF's birthday tonight at a surprise party!! Should be fun!

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! =)
    Spending time with girlfriends is always great!

  6. Perfect time . . . and birthday celebration with your friend!

  7. That looks like a wonderful celebration of #50:) YUMMY food and drinks with friends sounds perfect to me! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  8. How fun!! I would have enjoyed being there with you! Your friend looks fabulous for 50!


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