Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mixed Media



A little bit about some tv shows and a mention of a new cookbook are where my thoughts are this morning. I have been catching up on two of my favorite shows via on demand and am really enjoying the plot twists in both.



Grey's Anatomy is in its eleventh season and still has people talking. If you haven't seen the last two episodes you might want to stop reading before I talk about the latest plot twist. In fact, I was unable to avoid finding out about Derek's death before watching, since it was all over the Internet. I still can't believe he is gone and the Meredith and Derek love story is no more, since it was such a central part of the show. Many were unhappy with how his death was handled in the latest episode, but I think the reactions were perfect, especially Meredith's. It was just like her to run away and spend time alone, thinking about the past and how his death, comes full circle with her mother's. As she does this over a year, life goes on at the hospital; a wonderful juxtaposition. I can always count on the writing and the music in this show to make me cry.



The second half of the Outlander series is nearing its conclusion and each week I love it for different reasons. I love that is stays true to the book series and brings so many wonderful scenes and characters I only could imagine, to life. Even when there are deviations from the book, it makes sense and helps move the story forward. The last few episodes are ones I am dreading because of their darkness, but at the same time intrigued with how they will be handled by the writers.



I don't buy too many cookbooks any longer, but was happy to see the announcement of a new offering by The Pioneer Woman. Her best recipes are her comfort food type main dishes, so this book of dinnertime recipes should be great. I love her step by step instructions and beautiful photos, as well as the narrative for every recipe. I look forward to when this is published in the fall.

Happy Thursday!



  1. I think those of us that have watched Grey's Anatomy for eleven years certainly feel great loyalty to the people and story line . . . I think I reacted to Derek's death like he was someone in my real life, not my TV life. I am already caught up in where this will lead Meredith's in the future. . . .

    I haven't watched any of the Outlander's . . .

    My favorite recipe ever of Ree Drummond's is Chicken Spaghetti . . . and it is a favorite of everyone to whom I have served it . . . A new book with more comfort food, means I must get in line and purchase her new cook book.

  2. I have never bought any Pioneer Woman cook books and the only recipe of hers I ever made was the dump cake, which is awesome and I still make it for family get togethers!

  3. My girls both still watch Gray's but I haven't seen it in a long time. I love PW and use her two cookbooks often. Looking forward to the new one too. Enjoy your day!

  4. I am hooked on Gray's Anatomy, and not just because my cousin is Justin Chambers. I really love the show. I have read all eight books in the Outlander series and Joe and I are both loving the series on Starz. I don't buy cookbooks anymore. All the recipes are in the cloud (we don't say on the internet anymore), so I just download what I need. I do follow the Pioneer Woman here and on FB.

  5. trying to decide if I'll get pioneer woman's new much easier to just look her recipes up online....NEVER THOUGHT I'D EVER SAY THAT....OH MY.....I'm a book kinda gal and love thumbing thru I just shocked myself! Did just receive the book I ordered on your suggestion. Can't wait to start it. Also just made your blueberry breakfast dish for our brunch on Saturday morn. Hope it won't hurt it to sit in fridge 2 nights before I cook it. just won't have time to prepare tomorrow....

  6. Never been a fan of Grey's Anatomy, but have been interested to hear about Derek's death. Hmm.
    You got me watching Outlander after reading your enthusiasm and I'm quite enjoying it (season 1)

  7. These are my favorite shows as well. I don't know how much longer Grays will go on....the season finale was great for a series finale but I'm glad it wasn't one.


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